Moderation Team Accountability Issues

What if the leader of a technical project takes a direction that you don’t agree with?

  • Reach out to them about it.
  • Try to be civil and reasonable.
  • Present your point of view concretely; avoid starting from abstract principles that may mean different things to you and the leader.
  • Respect that the leader may not want to discuss the decision.
  • Decide for yourself, based on what the leader does, whether the outcome is something you can work with.

It would be nice if the mods would offer some sort of statement to the effect of, ‘Except in cases of extreme provocation, we won’t issue any bans without giving the subject notice and a chance to make things right first.’ That seems consistent with the way they’ve been operating so far. Would that alleviate this concern?

(You probably don’t like it, but if making a commitment like this I think the mods should have an ‘except in cases’ escape clause, not to silence civil dissent but to stop the troll who drops in and starts spraying invective and slurs everywhere—‘we’ll give you a day to edit your posts’ is not really an appropriate response to that guy, nor is playing whack-a-mole with the individual posts as they come in fast and furious.)