Modern ql2nix equivalent?

I’m trying to make a flake that builds my Lisp project, which depends on GitHub - Shirakumo/trial: A fully-fledged Common Lisp game engine. Unfortunately, Trial (1) doesn’t have an up-to-date version in the base Quicklisp dist, instead recommending to use, and (2) has a lot of dependencies. What I would like is a tool that takes my project and the dist url and generates a nix expression that correctly builds all the dependencies for me.

It seems like GitHub - SquircleSpace/ql2nix: Create a nix expression for loading quicklisp packages used to do this, but that project is pretty old, and when I try to build it it gives this error:

error: Lisp packages have been redesigned. See 'lisp-modules' in the nixpkgs manual.

I don’t see a method to do what I want in the manual. Does anyone know of a modern tool that does this, or some other way to work around this problem?