I am using flake, nix-darwin and home-manager where I am using nixpkgs pointing to the unstable channel, however all packages that are installed (with home-manager or in systemPackages)
are using versions from stable (24.11) channel.
My nix configuration is hosted here: GitHub - maulik13/nix-config
Any help would be great. Thanks!!
I am checking program versions and comparing them against what is on the stable channel.
Specific examples are kcl and upbound programs. I get 0.10.0 and 0.34.X while unstable has 0.11 and 0.36.
Your flake.lock
shows that you are using nixpkgs from 3 months ago. Have you tried running nix flake update
Oh god that was embarrassing! I was stuck in my head thinking it has to be my configuration that is an issue.
Thank you for being patient with NIX noobs like me