Hi there. I am experimenting with the Budgie desktop due to the issues I have been having with Gnome. So far, my experience has been quite good.
Now, like Gnome, Budgie uses Dconf to store many settings. One of these items is the panel configuration.
For example:
"com/solus-project/budgie-panel/panels/{d4f8eb0a-a16d-11ef-af99-2cf05da6ad16}" =
applets = [
dock-mode = false;
enable-shadow = false;
location = "bottom";
size = 24;
spacing = 4;
theme-regions = true;
transparency = "none";
autohide = "automatic";
Now, the d4f8eb0a-a16d-11ef-af99-2cf05da6ad16
value is generated on installation and is unique to this system. On my other system, that value is different (to be expected).
I am trying to figure out a way to deal with that value.
My first thought was to store the values in variables, and based on some unique aspect (maybe hostname or some other module unique to each system), I could maybe swap out the values. But I suspect this is not the most efficient way to deal with this.
Does anyone have suggestions or a repo where they have done something similar?