New code of conduct discussion

Why are you ascribing hostile attitudes to me the very moment I start to raise a question that really concerns me?

I also have to stand my ground here:

  1. I am not trolling, I really want a reasoned reply to my questions. I think as a human being I deserve that.

  2. If you really want to foster an environment in which everyone tries hard to have empathy, why do you not respect my viewpoint as a baseline at least for 20-30 min? You don’t have to share it of course, just let it stand for a little while. You are doing exactly the opposite of what you claim you would want. Why do you tell me, for instance, that you are being charitable, but then retract that statement immediately and give a hostile and very uncharitable reading of what I said? Even though the Code of Conduct that you are defending would mandate actually being charitable.

Is this arbitrariness going to be a general thing against anyone you deem not sufficiently concerned with empathy? Because that is exactly the kind of concern that I have. That reaction is the reason I am against mandating empathy. Mandating empathy is an excuse for aggressive behavior against all those certain people deem insufficiently empathic.

Also the article on concern trolling states: 'the term is open to misuse" which it clearly is. It is a good term to outright discard peoples concerns you don’t want to be discussed. That is clearly not an example of charitableness.

  1. I never said that we should not bother with empathy. I said something very different. And I stand by what I said: Mandating (!) empathy is very dangerous. And your reaction to me is exactly why I believe that.

Mandating empathy makes people very agressive against people they view as showing a lack of empathy and it delivers even a justification for that aggressiveness. And I personally, subjectively experience your reaction to me right now as quite agressive and outright dismissive. Again, if your Code of Conduct would improve things, as being applied to your own conduct vis-a-vis me right now, I have a feeling that shouldn’t happen.

That this happens the moment I ask a question, tells me the Code of Conduct will be outright dismissive of things that really concern me, and will foster a very hostile attitude against me. And all other people who are like me in this respect.

So yeah, I really really did not intend that to be an attack at all. Nothing I said was intended as trolling. I EXPLICITLY stated that I am only a simply NixOS user, and I may not have the background knowledge necessary to understand why this is being done here and now. And I really wanted to know this as it is not obvious to me at all.

However the reaction tells me: I indeed did encounter a serious issue with adopting a Code of Conduct. For some reason it unleashed and unearthes a certain agressiveness. I would hope that there is a type of Code of Conduct yet to be discovered that avoids just that.

Anyways, I am out for today. I am not a troll and I don’t feed on the kind of environment I inadvertently helped express itself here. I don’t draw energy from that type of response.

If anyone else feels offended or distrubed by my views, I am sorry for that. That was not my intent.