Nextcloud with declarative apps (memories + recognize). Unable to download models for recognize app

Good news everyone! :tada:

I got it somewhat working. It now finds the nodejs binary. Still complains about the machine learning models, but somehow it already recognized a few faces (still waaaaay too few though). Iā€™m setting the nodejs binary path like this now:"phpfpm-nextcloud".postStart = ''
  ${}/bin/nextcloud-occ config:app:set recognize node_binary --value '${lib.getExe pkgs.nodejs_22}'

Following this recognize could not run Tensorflow, so I switched that to WASM, which seems to work. So now my postStart looks like this:"phpfpm-nextcloud".postStart = ''
  ${}/bin/nextcloud-occ config:app:set recognize node_binary --value '${lib.getExe pkgs.nodejs_22}'
  ${}/bin/nextcloud-occ config:app:set recognize tensorflow.purejs --value 'true'
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