Nix Community Survey 2023 Results

A few updates :slight_smile:

I am starting to organize the next Nix Community Survey: join us on Matrix!

The repository used to make the 2023 plots is available here: GitHub - GuillaumeDesforges/nix-survey-analysis: Analysis of the Nix Survey data

Finally, another plot has been made: ā€œCount of gender per regionā€

As I said on the Matrix channel

> (I know that ā€œgenderā€, ā€œmaleā€ and ā€œfemaleā€ are the wrong terms, iā€™m using data as it has been collected and itā€™ll be corrected in coming surveys)
> Whatā€™s interesting is the ratio men/women seems to be quite the same in both EU and US.
> without any surprise, people who do not answer about region do no answer about gender as well
> and most people who did not answer about gender had not answered about region as well
> and thatā€™s quite a big number, so if that group of people is biased (in distribution here) it could change distributions quite heavily
> so the above statement [that ratios are the same] makes the assumptions that people that have not answered is not biased