Nix Community Survey 2024 Results

I’m very happy to see the interest that the survey results have gathered and that it starts many conversations!

Very neutrally, I would like to remind everyone that interpretation of survey results (and collected metrics in general) should be done very carefully. Our team tries not to go too deeply into interpretations on purpose. It will be up to individuals and the different Nix teams to work more deeply to interpret these numbers correctly. Of course, we are available to support such work.

As a general guideline, let’s keep in mind that the survey most likely has a sampling bias. We should be careful before stating that these numbers represent the entire Nix community.
It is still more useful than no data at all, as it can help filter out what to investigate more in depth.

We hope to reduce that bias in the next years by collecting responses from a wider audience. For example, we would like to add banners (prompting for participation to the survey) to as many websites as possible, from to, the wiki, etc. Also, please help us spread the word about the survey when it runs. :wink:

With that being said, let’s make the most by looking at phenomenons, trends, and investigating them further (with carefulness)!


Arsleust and survey group, great work.

How are those numbers compared to previous surveys?

Having 39% of less than 1 year user is a great news, could indicate how much community grow this year.


suggestion for next survey : add a question about native language (english, german, spanish, french…)