Nix rebuilding identical outPath? (and other strange rebuilds...)

I’ve been observing the following strange behaviors.

  • Nix rebuilding a package with a built outPath in the Nix store.
  • Rebuilding when building from nix repl with :b, but not with nix build.
  • Rebuilding when building the derivation, but not with python.withPackages.

To illustrate what I mean, consider the following “minimal” working example based on the flake maipkgs. The exact structure of the flake isn’t terribly important; the relevant parts are that it exposes the Python package jax-triton through packages.${system}.jax-triton as well as through legacyPackages.${system}.python.withPackages thanks to a custom python3Packages (the logic is here and the python3Packages.overrideScope is here). The choice of jax-triton is arbitrary, it’s just an easy Python package to build from maipkgs.

Now, attempting to build with

nix build github:stephen-huan/maipkgs#jax-triton --dry-run

will give the following list, as it hasn’t been built yet.

these 4 derivations will be built:
these 20 paths will be fetched (32.77 MiB download, 149.11 MiB unpacked):

Actually building with

nix build github:stephen-huan/maipkgs#jax-triton --no-link --print-out-paths

gives the path


Now, pin a python.withPackages environment. For concreteness, I used the below flake

  description = "mwe";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.follows = "maipkgs/nixpkgs";
    maipkgs.url = "github:stephen-huan/maipkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, maipkgs }:
      inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
      systems =;
      eachDefaultSystem = f: builtins.foldl' lib.attrsets.recursiveUpdate { }
        (map f systems);
    eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
        inherit (maipkgs.legacyPackages.${system}) python;
        python' = python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ jax-triton ]);
        devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell { packages = [ python' ]; };

and nix-direnv to add it as a gc root, but you can do this however you like. Note that it should not rebuild when you make this developer environment, as it was already built.

If you didn’t build with --no-link originally, make sure to remove the result symlink which will keep the package as a gc root. Then collect garbage with

sudo nix-collect-garbage

This will remove some things but not the python.withPackages environment (which, again, should be registered as a gc root). I have keep-outputs enabled if that matters.


nix build github:stephen-huan/maipkgs#jax-triton --dry-run

prints nothing as expected, so the package is still cached, right?

Enter the REPL with

nix repl github:stephen-huan/maipkgs

and note that the derivation and outPath are the same as above (as expected).

nix-repl> packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton
«derivation /nix/store/3zwncibwsls5diamvn4kf9f0nykn8zsa-python3.12-jax-triton-0.2.0.drv»

nix-repl> packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.outPath

But when building in the REPL, this triggers a rebuild, even though (1) the outPath exists in /nix/store and is nonempty and (2) nix build doesn’t rebuild!

nix-repl> :b packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton
error: interrupted by the user
[0/9 built, 7/1/19 copied (0.3/18.3 MiB), 0.1/4.8 MiB DL] fetching openssl-3.3.2 from

However, building a Python environment with python.withPackages is cached.

nix-repl> :b legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.python.withPackages (ps: [ ps.jax-triton ])

This derivation produced the following outputs:
  out -> /nix/store/fffw0rmmy10j5dsyk99j74f88gi72031-python3-3.12.7-env

What’s going on here? I thought if outPath exists, Nix should cache it. I suspect why python.withPackages works is you can convert a derivation to an output path, i.e.

nix-repl> "${packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton}"

without actually building the derivation, and the way python.withPackages works is by just symlinking paths, so it only needs the paths (and not the derivations). But when a path is used in a derivation, Nix has to materialize the output paths, and this doesn’t explain why nix build works and not the REPL (trying :b packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.out and :b packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.dist still causes a rebuild).

The actual issue I’m trying to address is a flake like

  description = "mwe";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.follows = "maipkgs/nixpkgs";
    maipkgs.url = "github:stephen-huan/maipkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, maipkgs }:
      inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
      systems =;
      eachDefaultSystem = f: builtins.foldl' lib.attrsets.recursiveUpdate { }
        (map f systems);
    eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
        inherit (maipkgs.legacyPackages.${system}) python;
        # TODO: replace with pkgs.emptyDirectory
        no-op = derivation {
          inherit system;
          name = "no-op";
          builder = "/bin/sh";
          args = [ "-c" "echo > $out" ];
        python' = python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [
          (kernels.override {
            triton = triton-cpu;
            torch = torch.override { triton = no-op; };
          (torch.override { triton = no-op; })
        devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell { packages = [ python' ]; };

Here torch.override { triton = no-op; } is cached from a previous python.withPackages (but not the derivation), so when I use it in the context of kernels.override it triggers a rebuild (which seems to violate referential transparency).

What am I doing wrong? Ran nix store verify --all --repair, deleted my eval cache at ~/.cache/nix/eval-cache-v5 (which has been the source of weird flake behaviors in the past), but still running into these rebuilds.

When you’re asking Nix to build the derivation via :b, what you’re asking is “realise all outputs”, not just the one in outPath. The actual problem is probably a similar story, where the second thing uses additional output paths that the first one didn’t.

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Interesting, thanks for the tip. By outputs, you mean in the sense of a multiple-output package, correct? I know nix build chooses a “default” output according to some ordering. Indeed,

nix build github:stephen-huan/maipkgs#jax-triton.out --dry-run

has no rebuilds while

nix build github:stephen-huan/maipkgs#jax-triton.dist --dry-run

rebuilds. I thought I ruled this out with :b packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.out, but it turns out that .out and .dist refer to the same derivation, but the outputs have different outPaths. That means dist is still in .out.outputs, triggering the rebuild.

nix-repl> packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.out
«derivation /nix/store/3zwncibwsls5diamvn4kf9f0nykn8zsa-python3.12-jax-triton-0.2.0.drv»

nix-repl> packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.dist
«derivation /nix/store/3zwncibwsls5diamvn4kf9f0nykn8zsa-python3.12-jax-triton-0.2.0.drv»

nix-repl> packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.out.outputs

nix-repl> packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.out.outPath

nix-repl> packages.x86_64-linux.jax-triton.dist.outPath

Indeed, in the flake I’m trying to get to work, adding .out works with no rebuilds, but causes additional issues (since the torch derivation had additional outputs, and nix-support is in dev and not out, propagatedBuildInputs doesn’t work properly), but this is a distinct issue.
