NixCon 2023 - Call for Volunteers

NixCon 2023 is right around the corner and we’d love your help <3 to make it amazing!
Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned NixCon volunteer, we’re inviting you to bring your unique skills and talents to the team.

How can you get involved?

Below are some areas of help that we will need, but we are also open to supporting your own talents. You can tell us what skills you’d like to volunteer, and we will do our best to incorporate them.

  • Check-in and Greeting Station
  • Set-up Crew
  • Food and Beverage Team (Point of contact to assist catering/delivery team)
  • Breakdown Crew
  • Stream Team (Lead + Manager Streaming and virtual attendee’s commentary, Youtube uploads)
  • Stage Team (IT, Audio, Visual Support)

What are the next steps?

  1. Join the volunteer channel: You’re invited to talk on Matrix
  2. Introduce yourself, including your name and areas of which you would like to help.
  3. Get started :slight_smile:

NixCon DetailsNixCon 2023
Location: Magdalenenstr. 12, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
Days: September 8 to 10


Do volunteers get a free/discounted ticket?

Also maybe worth noting, even if volunteering can be quite exhausting depending on what responsibility you take on, everyone I talked to last year told me it was a thrilling experience, a great opportunity to learn to know a lot of people from the community, and a great way to get involved if you want to support Nix, Nixpkgs, or NixOS.

It may not be immediately obvious, but running such an event is vital for the technical side of things, because apart from the formal tracks with talks and workshops, many ideas are exchanged and developed, decisions made, and alliances forged in the hallways, during lunch breaks, and at dinner tables. Helping out as a volunteer makes all of that possible and more likely.

Thanks @ron, @andir, @zimbatm and everyone else who is making this happen!


Contact info for this sort of request is available in the first post in that linked thread, and I’ll restate it here: (

I’m definitely game to help out in any way I can. I’m told I can be quite personable when in the mood!

Now to find a device from which I have signed into Matrix so I verify my identity and join the room….

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We just managed to set up a volunteering system (Engelsystem) and I’d encourage everyone that wants to help out to register at

Please log in via your GitHub account. This allows us to side-step the entire account recovery/password lost/verification/spam issue we could run into otherwise.

The roles and shifts available are mostly placeholders at this point. Expect a more polished experience closer to the event. You can already record at which times you plan to arrive and depart. This will give us an indication how many people could help out during the days before the conference (and after; there is plenty of tidying to do).

As always let us know if you have any other ideas, remarks or issues!