NixOS 19.03 feature freeze

feedback on better support for logrotate in 19.03

Personally I don’t see a need as most services are logging through the journal which handles this for us.

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Hi Peter,

Yeah for desktop use case there isn’t anything to turn on for logrotate usually, as it is covered by journald as you mentioned.

I’m thinking for people who enable services which are not covered by journald.

The 2 use cases I have in mind are apache and rsyslog. I think there is value in automatically rotating those logs for users, like Debian does, or at least making mention in the documentation that the user needs to set up log rotation as most users would expect this to already be in place.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Nginx logging to journald

Another things some might not be aware:

We have a milestone for 19.03 to track issues features and fixes we want included in 19.03. You can see a list of them on GitHub under the 19.03 milestone:

These are sometimes more manageable to try to help out on compared to random ones from the global issue tracker.


I’ve created another thread to discuss nginx’s logging behavior: Nginx logging to journald


Can we have something that manages users .files ? I know we can use diff tools but is much nicer to have in declarative way.

GitHub - nix-community/home-manager: Manage a user environment using Nix [maintainer=@rycee] has a nixos module at

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Thx for the links I am very much aware of home-manager, the problem is this solution is not integrated with nixos and required separate installation.

I’m afraid I can’t see how that is a problem.

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Did you switch 19.03 to back to kernel 4.14.98?

[root@nixtn:~]$ ls -l /nix/store/cgv2y5ghannrswkkk299mwrwhi70xik3-nixos-system-nixtn-19.03pre168725.64825dfd26a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    65  1. Jan 1970  kernel -> /nix/store/1spnrykkf4dsahg5bd6p1szmk13v3a9i-linux-4.14.98/bzImage

Which points to a 4.14.98 kernel.

Just to make sure, it’s really 19.03:

[root@nixtn:~]$ cat /nix/store/cgv2y5ghannrswkkk299mwrwhi70xik3-nixos-system-nixtn-19.03pre168725.64825dfd26a/nixos-version 

Yes, there is a regression in 4.19, see #54509; our work-around caused that other sneaky regression.

It would be nice to have purescript and taffybar building again. They worked in 18.09.

The taffybar issue was fixed upstream and has made it into haskell-updates. I’m not sure what the process is for getting that merged.

Purescript was broken by a GHC upgrade and has an open PR to fix it.

I would like to have the extended tinydns module reviewed/integrated in the new release.

I’d really like to see resolved: reflex-0.5 finally hits hackage and it would be a shame if we couldn’t get it into nixpkgs easily.

If you have any Python-related changes that need to go in, please refer to your PR on Also, if you maintain a Python package (or just want to help out!), please check it works with

Is there a possibility that the new Wine release can get into 19.03? Update wine{stable,unstable,staging,mono} by tadeokondrak · Pull Request #54522 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

This might be too late for the relase but something that has bothered me for a while is that nixops - a major tool in the nix ecosystem - is not overridable. I had tried there but the doc system eludes me so if any nixops maintainer feels like it please go ahead.

Just one week until the feature freeze!


I did an update on openmpi a while ago. I would be great if we could merge that before the feature freeze. From my side this PR is basically ready to be merged but the update affects quite a number of packages. Community feedback would thus be appreciated.

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