Hi, I’m currently trying to set up ollama
inside a nixos-container
with GPU acceleration.
When I configure ollama on my machine without a container everything is working perfectly fine.
If i wrap the same configuration with containers.ollama = { ...
it’s not working.
After investigating quite a bit, I’ve hit the wall of permission errors that I can’t get past
in essence, the ollama service is trying to acces my GPU under /sys/class/kfd/kfd/topology/nodes/1/properties
as the ollama
user (inside the container)
i’ve passed /sys/class/kfd
(and all other relevant paths) into the container via bindMounts
If I log into the container and run the service start script as root
the service is coming up fine (with GPU accel)
After adding ExecStartPre=cat /sys/class/kfd/kfd/topology/nodes/1/properties
via runtime overrides i can see that the ollama user can not access the file (but root
here is my .nix
file with everything I’ve tried:
nixpkgs.config.rocmSupport = true;
containers.ollama = {
autoStart = false;
privateNetwork = false;
restartIfChanged = true;
timeoutStartSec = "5min";
bindMounts = {
"/var/lib/ollama" = {
hostPath = "/data/ollama/";
isReadOnly = false;
"/dev/dri" = {
hostPath = "/dev/dri";
isReadOnly = false;
"/dev/kfd" = {
hostPath = "/dev/kfd";
isReadOnly = false;
"/sys/class/kfd/kfd/topology/nodes" = {
hostPath = "/sys/class/kfd/kfd/topology/nodes";
isReadOnly = false;
"/sys/class/drm" = {
hostPath = "/sys/class/drm";
isReadOnly = false;
"/sys/module/amdgpu" = {
hostPath = "/sys/module/amdgpu";
isReadOnly = false;
forwardPorts = {
containerPort = 8080;
hostPort = 80;
protocol = "tcp";
config = {
system.stateVersion = "unstable";
nixpkgs.config.rocmSupport = true;
services = {
ollama = {
enable = true;
home = "/var/lib/ollama";
loadModels = [
acceleration = "rocm";
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/308206
# https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/reference/gpu-arch-specs.html
rocmOverrideGfx = "11.0.1"; # gfx1101
host = "";
port = 11434;
openFirewall = true;
nextjs-ollama-llm-ui = {
enable = true;
port = 8080;
ollamaUrl = "";
boot.kernelModules = [ "amdgpu" ];
hardware.amdgpu.opencl.enable = true;
hardware.graphics = {
enable = true;
enable32Bit = true;
extraPackages = [ pkgs.rocmPackages.clr.icd ];
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
"L+ /opt/rocm - - - - ${pkgs.rocmPackages.clr}"
"L+ /opt/rocm - - - - ${pkgs.rocmPackages.rocblas}"
I’m on the nixos-unstable
branch where this PR has been merged
thanks in advance