Thank you for your reply.
Just to let you know that the KDE version of the iso does not work at the moment. I tried it the first time I install NixOS and it won’t start. I also searched in the forum and other people also suggest the same thing.
I had to nvme slots and two m.2 drives.
So nixOS and Windows 11 are on different disks.
I believe that there is that something wrong with how the kernel handles the issue.
Because …
- The issue persists across gnome and kde, thus desktop environment cause is unlikely.
- dmesg -w will output errors from the kernel so I can search from there.
- Obviously, I believe the kernel by itself doesn’t come out with defects, but started causing problems when it was intergrated into the system. The problem persists even when I switched the kernel version to a newer one. The problem is still the same.
- Software corruption is unlikely, since the problem (erratic and inconsistent errors) still persists after reinstall. I completely erased the disk from Windows 11.
Furthermore, it will download fresh files from the mirror everytime I rannixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
, even if the previous build had issues, the problematic file will be overwritten by the freshly downloaded ones from the mirror and subsequently deleted by the garbage collector.
On the manual, it says that during installation, the command “nixos-install” can be run as many times as you like because if … for example … the download fails, it will output error messages and discontinue the installation. The system will not be installed if any of the tasks specified in the configuration file fails.
The samething applies tonixos-rebuild switch
, it will not just overwrite the system while the upgrade procedure was done half way. It will only apply when it finishes all the specified tasks. Thus software corruption is highly unlikely.
I believe that this problem only occurs on my specific machine, because otherwise the forum will be bombarded with help posts. So it left me with the only one possible culprit … something that is unique to my machine fresh after configuration…
Again, context:
This is my first post on this forum, at the time I just installed nixOS fresh for the first time. I was not even able to boot into the DE initially. So friends on the forum helped me to configure my configuration.nix. It worked, I was able to boot into the DE; however, not long after the install I started experiencing crashes already. See here:
At the time I thought it was because I was using a third party theme; however, the problem still persists after defaulting the desktop theme to breeze dark.
After that, I just kept trying to debug the issue but nothing really fixes the problem.
At this point, I am really tired while trying to make this system work without issues. But I don’t need to give up because I got Windows 11 running without issues for now. I can take my time debugging it until I eventually fixes the issue.
Thus, I would like to try editing configuration.nix next. I would like all the advice I can get to fix the issue.
The configuration.nix content is on my new post here:
Thank you for reading and thank you @Mephist0phel3s for pointing out the iso corruption issue. Otherwise I wouldn’t even know.