NixOS is not dying, please don't spread fear actively

Michael is on the Assembly. These are the people actually tasked with coming up with the governance structure that will actually create a actual set of documents that spell this kind of thing out. “If you don’t see how this rule is obvious, I can’t help you” is not going to fly in that context. They need actual reasons to consider positions.


So, do you suggest accepting money from military companies/contractors? Or am I reading this incorrectly?
License wise, I really enjoy GPL/copyleft licenses in general.

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They do, but they don’t need to get them from this thread. We’ve discussed all those issues and perspectives to death in thread after thread after thread, going through all that again in this one is off-topic and we shouldn’t.

(yes, I have Opinions as well, but I’ll lead by example by not venting them here)


Yeah, I agree, rehashing all of this over and over again is just not getting us anywhere. Rather than progressing, it kind of just feels like it resets backwards every time it comes back up, losing the small amounts of progress made towards a common understanding of what the problem even is. Ultimately, we’re not all going to agree, and decisions will have to be made despite that.

IMO, this whole debacle has made me believe that a public Discourse instance is a really bad place to discuss policy like this. Not only is it incredibly draining to come here and see these discussions on top yet again, but frankly I’m not a big fan of having important policy decisions be discussed on any website with public “upvotes”. I dunno if the governance zulip is where this sort of stuff was meant to go, but I hope in the future, the place that it can go is not here.


I’m going to close this thread since it’s completely out of topic now.