NixOS S3 Long Term Resolution - Phase 1

I would appreciate knowing how the testing of this software went.
If you lacked the time to do a deep test why not enable a nix config option like nix.exerpimental.p2p-caching.enable = true; and let the community help test an official p2p solution? If that software doesn’t work, then you could swap the p2p-caching option for a different solution. (p2p-caching.package = attic;)

I believe that if you wish to explore a P2P option then you should tell the community to focus on testing a particular solution. We just need the Foundation to tell us which solution we should focus on to test first.

This way you can continue to focus on the other solutions and let the community work on the p2p solution.
But we do need @ron or someone with some authority to tell the community what p2p solution you would like us to focus on testing and tell us what and how we should report bugs and the like.

One of the main issues with the P2P solution right now is we lack focus. Many different ideas of how to do it. But for a P2P solution to have any chance of working, we need leadership to tell us what to focus on testing.