Nixvim & NeKiFoCh

This is a bit niche.
I’m trying to use the Neovim plugin NeKiFoCh with my Nixvim setup. It isn’t in nixpkgs and it doesn’t have a flake, so I have to use pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin to package it on the fly. However, this isn’t a normal plugin. It relies heavily upon a dedicated rust crate, so it needs special installation. The instructions in the README show the use of lazy.nvim’s build and cmd options, which allow the Rust app to integrate with the package manager. However, Nixvim doesn’t seem to have the ability to set those options with Lazy.

Any thoughts on how I could get NeKiFoCh to work? Would it be reasonable to enable Lazy via nix then directly install the plugin with some Lua code? Or is there some functionality of buildVimPlugin that I’m missing?