NVIDIA in nix-shell not working

I’m running Ubuntu with the Nix package manager installed on top, and I think that must be a NixOS only thing:

❯ nixos-version     
zsh: command not found: nixos-version

EDIT: This is not at all easy to find but the answer seems to be

❯ nix-instantiate --eval -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).lib.version'       

Is there a way to force nix-channel onto a specific commit so I can jump to @brogos’s version (20.09pre237686.96069f7d890)? Simply running nix-channel --update just takes me to whatever is latest which at the time of writing happens to be 20.09pre237891.f9eba87bf03, but I can’t debug easily without making sure that @brogos and I are both on the exact same version.

I’m using NixOS, it seems to me you are using Nix along with other distro.

Yeah, I’m running Ubuntu 20.04 with Nix!