Objection to minority representation by a single class in NixOS sponsorship policy

Why ad hominem here? If we get to personal arguments, @jonringer has done lots of work for the nixos.org community, especially if you tried to compare to some other parties loud in policy flamewars.

I personally have nothing against gender minorities (it’s rather, why should I care about someone’s gender in a technical community) and I don’t mind that proposal with one reserved seat, but I’d generally think it’s more “useful” to promote other kinds of diversity/minorities in here, e.g. geo/country. Especially wrt. real-life NixCon participation that’s unavoidably a heavily discriminatory aspect. Still, I’m certainly no expert on marginalization :wink:


“Don’t take this personal, but you’re misinformed, misguided, and a waste of everyone’s time. Go pre-occupy yourself in a corner so we can do things that matter.”

Thanks, I appreciate the constructive and enlightening feedback.

Just because I had very different life experiences, doesn’t make me an idiot. I’ll recognize that I’m imperfect, and no one can be perfectly informed on everything. But, I would appreciate if you didn’t treat people with differing perspectives as beneath you, and set the precedent that it’s acceptable behavior to pass people off like you did to me.

After having been doxed, targeted by a coordinated downvote attack, and on the receiving end of a bunch of personal attacks today. I’ll concede defeat. Congrats, you all broke my will to continue the fight on discourse. :tada:


I don’t know what this is about, but if this is new from today, and done to you by NixOS users, you should privately report to the moderation team, and/or the foundation.

Doxxing should not be tolerated.


Animal Farm :beers:
@jonringer don’t end up like poor old Boxer.


(post deleted by author)

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