Obsidian Systems is excited to bring IPFS support to Nix

Any news? IPFS is getting stronger by the year.

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There is in fact some news: we have scoped out NLnet; Peer-to-Peer Access to Our Software Heritage and it has been approved. Once that is done, I hope we’ll have a better shot at merging the work we did least year, because the SWH —IPFS—> NIX workflow will hopefully make it more apparent what the use-cases are.


Thanks man for your great work!


Well cloudflare providing a lot of edge caching is one use I’m looking forward to. (cloudflare are fans of IPFS caching as you can well imagine)

Isn’t nix already using some cdn?

Replying to How to make Nixpkgs more eco-friendly / use less resources - #47 by nixinator here to not take the other thread more off-topic.

Glad you’ve taken a look!

IPFS doesn’t rely on use of the DHT — you can always connect to a peer directly and it asks existing peers regardless of “who” the main DHT says you should ask.

For the SWH ↔ IPFS bridge, for example, we completely ignored the DHT to start, saying there will just be a dedicated bridge node with a well known address, and one can connect to that.

(I believe one can also get peers from peers, which means that a bandwidth-saturated bridge node could in principle prioritize letting all its wannabe peers know who each other are, so they can act together as a CDN.)

Bottom line is the architecture is very modular, and one can experiment with many different strategies. I think our use-cases (distributing source code from archive, distributing builds) are great ones to test various strategies with too.


I absolutely agree with this, once the content address of the output nar is known… the distribution of the content can be on anything. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the updates on IPFS, seems like the project is progressing.


At long last, we have have written an RFC to hopefully get this work merged upstream!



To the moon :rocket:

I’ve read the RFC, good job! But I have an IPFS specific question, is it possible to use the content raw from the store to plug it to ipfs (this is not recommended by ipfs, but the store being r/o it’s not so bad), instead of adding the files into ipfs and duplicating disk space usage?

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We have not tried to do that yet. It is certainly possible in principle yes, but in our implementation we have been more focused on integrating the concepts than tuning performance. The idea is to get a specification / interface we feel good about, and then after that we can finesse the implementation without needing to change the spec / interface.

Or, as they say, https://wiki.c2.com/?MakeItWorkMakeItRightMakeItFast


Just wanted to say, this would be a killer feature IMHO. The amount of problems I wouldn’t have at work, if a newly deployed machine out of the box could just substitute from any nearby machine that has the data. We’ve been mucking around so much with internal substituters and their configuration and also with sharing host stores with VMs. I quiet literally can hardly wait.

I guess content addressing and coordination/planning is the biggest blocker? Or are you having trouble with funding as well?


Biggest blocker is code review. Also should finish off [RFC 0133] Git hashing and Git-hashing-based remote stores by Ericson2314 · Pull Request #133 · NixOS/rfcs · GitHub but that’s on me.


Is obsidian systems still working on this? I’m sitting here pulling at 200KB/s from cache.nixos.org and just wishing it were over IPFS as another computer in my house had to go through the same thing yesterday :cry:

GitHub - obsidiansystems/ipfs-nix-guide: IPFS × Nix Guide was updated 3 years ago


Maybe try GitHub - cid-chan/peerix: Peer2Peer Nix-Binary-Cache


this works on local network, and you need to exchange keys between peers.


Just chiming in that IPFS support for avoiding concerns about source bit-rot sounds amazing and would help me pitch nix to peers.

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It would also help long-term with the cache storage hosting issue we’re facing now.

I wonder if it’s feasible to have the IPFS daemon+store be also the backing store for the local nix store? Serve up files via fuse? Needs eliding store paths for proper dedupe mind you.


We’re not actively working on it at the moment, but I still have the code, and parts of it are in my immense backlog of open Nix PRs I’m trying to wind down.

I should finish [RFC 0133] Git hashing and Git-hashing-based remote stores by Ericson2314 · Pull Request #133 · NixOS/rfcs · GitHub which is the next step for this.


How can one get the content-address from the input without building everything first or relying on some kind of third party mapping?

Basically, what I’m trying to understand is: content-address = address of content made by hashing its content. When using the cache to pull pre-built packages, the content is the pre-built package, which we won’t have, and thus we won’t be able to build the content-address.
If IPFS were the only external source and the default, external, binary cache source (cache.nixos.org?), how would one get to the content-address of the pre-built package without some mapping (input address → content-address)?

You can’t, an trusted cache would have to provide the mapping input addressed → content addressed. Once you have the content address, you can fetch from any cache trustlessly.