I am making a flake, and i want to add nixos-hardware to my flake and have a let-in value where i can enter my hardware in:
input = {....}
outputs = {....}:
sysSettings.nix-hw = "lenovo-thinpad-l14-amd";
nixos.Configuration.jump1nOs = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
modules = [
pkgs.lib.mkIf (sysSettings.nix-hw != null) nixos-hardware.nixosModules.${sysSettings.nix-hw} # fix
I am not sure this will work.
Also, how do i make it so i can do pkgs.stable. without having to make a seperate .nix file? I currently have:
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(final: prev: {
stable = import nixpkgs-stable {
inherit (final) system config;
added to modules, will this work?