Opera H.264 support (ffmpeg, streaming)

Is there a way to enable this codec support for Opera?

I installed opera via nix-env. As far as I understand, it needs ffmpeg to be available, which I see here as well:


But if I go to html5test.com the support wont be available (hence, no youtube streams).
As well I can not install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg (or vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg, as how it is called now) since this conflicts with the .so file that I mentioned above.

Any idea?
Thanks a lot in advance!

I just tried Opera 68.0.3618.63, and Youtube works even though html5test.com says there’s no support for H264. It looks like ffmpeg is included:

❯ nix build -f default opera && find -L ./result | grep ffmpeg

Yes, normal Youtube Videos work. It’s the streams that are not available.


After some years? Is there a workaround available? I found that Mixcloud is not working and must see, YT stream won’t work too. That makes Opera unuseable for me…

Any idea?

There seems to be an option in the opera package that allows you to include proprietary codecs from vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs, which includes H.264 support. To enable it, you need to override opera:

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    (opera.override { proprietaryCodecs = true; })

I’ve seen your other post and I tried the mixcloud stream you linked there to test and it plays fine, both video and audio.

You mean like this:

(opera.override { proprietaryCodecs = true; })

I’ve tried flatpaks version of opera with works, but makes trouble with keepassxc plugin…

You don’t actually have to explicitly install vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs as that will be pulled in as a dependency for opera. Also, overriding opera will still install opera for you, it’s just that you’re including the proprietary codecs with it.

In essence, just remove these two lines:

- opera
- vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs
(opera.override { proprietaryCodecs = true; })

I haven’t really tried the flatpaked opera, but as far as I know KeepassXC integration with flatpaked browsers isn’t very straightforward:

Wow, thats it. After removing the two lines mixcloud and yt live is working. Now flatpak is not needed.

Thanks for help…

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