Out of tree kernel module missing System.map file

I’m now running into the same problem I believe was discussed here but cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the file where it needs to be, or anywhere for that matter. `find . -name “hid-vrs-ff*” run from /run/booted-system doesn’t find anything even though the copy isn’t failing.

  makeFlags = [
    # "INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(out)/${moduledir}"
    # "MODULEDIR=$(out)/${moduledir}"

  patchPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out/lib/udev/rules.d
    mkdir -p $out/${moduledir}
    substituteInPlace Makefile --replace-fail "\$(MAKE) -C \$(KDIR) M=\$\$PWD modules_install" "@cp -v hid-vrs-ff.ko $out/${moduledir}"
    # substituteInPlace Makefile --replace-fail "modules_install" "modules"
    # substituteInPlace Makefile --replace-fail "depmod -A" "@cp -v hid-vrs-ff.ko $out/${moduledir}"
    # substituteInPlace Makefile --replace-fail "modules_install" "modules"
    # substituteInPlace Makefile --replace-fail "depmod -A" "@cp -v hid-vrs-ff.ko ${moduledir}\n\tdepmod"
    # substituteInPlace Makefile --replace-fail "depmod -A" "@cp -v hid-vrs-ff.ko /home/ccalhoun"
    # substituteInPlace Makefile --replace-fail "depmod -A" "@cp -v hid-vrs-ff.ko $(out)/lib/modules/${kernel.version}"
    sed -i '/depmod/d' Makefile