Overriding a package version without building the old version

I tried to override the package version of the burpsuite package. I use an overlay to do so. The problem is that nix still build the package with old url. What I have to do that nix will only use the new url?

In fact, looking at this package description,

overrideAttrs only replace the derivation attributes, not the local variables and here, so you need to replace the buildCommand attribute

  burpsuite = super.burpsuite.overrideAttrs (o: let
      jar = super.fetchurl {
        name = "burpsuite.jar";
        url = "https://portswigger.net/Burp/Releases/Download?productId=100&version=<your-version>&type=Jar";
        sha256 = "<your-hash>";
    launcher = ''
      exec ${super.jre}/bin/java -jar ${jar} "$@"
    in rec {
      buildCommand = ''
        mkdir -p $out/bin
        echo "${launcher}" > $out/bin/burpsuite
        chmod +x $out/bin/burpsuite

It is a bit sad this derivation could have been written in a more friendly way

Thank’s for your help. At the end this here works for me:

self: super: {
  burpsuite = super.burpsuite.overrideAttrs ( oldAttrs : let
      version = "2020.12.1";
      jar = super.fetchurl {
        name = "burpsuite.jar";
        url = "https://portswigger.net/burp/releases/download?product=community&version=${version}&type=Jar";
        sha256 = "01ca0fc955d47f66067d7dbf19bb4665e4383fbcd2b1815bf4be7bb6b5e2bded";
    jre = super.pkgs.jdk11;
    launcher = ''
      exec ${jre}/bin/java -jar ${jar} "$@"
    in rec {
      buildCommand = ''
        mkdir -p $out/bin
        echo "${launcher}" > $out/bin/burpsuite
        chmod +x $out/bin/burpsuite