Path /tmp/calamares-root-zuirigov should have permissions 755, but had permissions 700

using the gnome iso image for x86_64, i have a error just at the beginning to install packages when it finish to prepare the partition. All the partitions apart the boot are with luks encryption (ext4).

path /tmp/calamares-root-zuirigov should have permissions 755, but had permissions 700. Consider running ‘chmod o+rx /tmp/calamares-root-zuirigov’.

multiple tries and same things happened :

No news :frowning:

it seems that nobobdy install nixos with full encryption.

Steps to reproduce? is this only a recent problem or is it your first time installing nixos this way?

I have never encountered something like this.

it is my second time i install nixos, but first time i try to install with full encryption.

i just use the normal graphical installer (calamares). i only change the language of gnome before to start the install with calamares.

i have the same issue, installing nixos (24.11.711150.314e12ba369c (Vicuna)) for the first time onto an already partitioned disk (512 MiB fat32 /efi, 1 GiB ext2 /boot, 260 GiB LUKS) with gnome graphical installer iso.

error: path /tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f should have permissions 755, but had permissions 700. Consider running 'chmod o+rx /tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f'.

a few lines before that:

2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     Starting job "mount" ( 6 / 10 ) 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/nix/store/kw8zw6a2pdinkc8s9bdfqjxgsrf4w0kq-kconfigwidgets-5.116.0/share/locale/en_US" 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Running ("mount", "-t", "luks2", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/mapper/", "/tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f/") 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Target cmd: ("mount", "-t", "luks2", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/mapper/", "/tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f/") Exit code: 32 output:
mount: /tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f: unknown filesystem type 'luks2'.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [2]: WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot mount /dev/mapper/" 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Running ("mount", "-t", "ext2", "-o", "fmask=0077,dmask=0077", "/dev/nvme0n1p2", "/tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f/boot") 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Target cmd: ("mount", "-t", "ext2", "-o", "fmask=0077,dmask=0077", "/dev/nvme0n1p2", "/tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f/boot") Exit code: 32 output:
mount: /tmp/calamares-root-odol7r7f/boot: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nvme0n1p2, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2024-12-16 - 01:29:22 [2]: WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot mount /dev/nvme0n1p2"