Periodic update of NixOS config from git

I have all my NixOS configuration in git, now what I want to achieve is: when something changes this change should get automatically applied to the machine. Perhaps this could be called CI/CD but in essence it is just that git is my source of truth.

So I’ve created some systemd service/timer oneshot thing that periodically invokes something like:

git pull
nixos-rebuild switch

Everything is fine, except that there is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. When the service itself is changed I get:

/nix/store/vrh8hq6cgwhkwhn829kgzjix35208321-nixos-rebuild/bin/nixos-rebuild: line 303: 15411 Terminated “${maybeSudo[@]}” “$@”

service → nixos-rebuild → service. So how to break this cycle? I don’t really want to have some stuff not managed through nix configuration. So ideally I could somehow set some env. variable and then the rebuild wouldn’t touch the service. Or perhaps there is some easier way? Is anybody else using some similar workflow?

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service → nixos-rebuild → service. So how to break this cycle? I don’t really want to have some stuff not managed through nix configuration. So ideally I could somehow set some env. variable and then the rebuild wouldn’t touch the service. Or perhaps there is some easier way? Is anybody else using some similar workflow?

auto-upgrade.nix sets unitConfig.X-StopOnRemoval to false