Pixelfed on NixOS Server

I’m currently trying to get a pixelfed instance running on a NixOS server. I have the following simple code snippet in my config:

service.pixelfed = {
      enable = true;
      domain = "https://pixel.mydomain.space";
      secretFile = "/path/to/my/file";

Now when I run nixos-rebuild switch I get the error message:

pixelfed-data-setup.service: Failed to set up credentials: Protocol error

I have the right DNS entry for the Sub-Domain.
Did anyone have the same error or a solution for it or a tip where I can look further to find the error.


Try removing the https:// from the domain entry.

still the same error without the https://

Ok. I came a bit further.
I redo my whole .env file and play around with pixelfed-manage migrate:fresh
When I run this command I got the error:
Connection refused [tcp://]
while the attempt:
This is also the error from my nixos-rebuild switch:

Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 systemd[1]: Starting Pixelfed setup: migrations, environment file update, cache reload, data changes...
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681462]: sending incremental file list
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681462]: sent 1,151 bytes  received 33 bytes  2,368.00 bytes/sec
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681462]: total size is 14,515,784  speedup is 12,259.95
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:    INFO  Running migrations.
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:   2021_08_30_050137_add_software_column_to_instances_table .......... 6ms FAIL
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]: In Connection.php line 829:
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:   SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'softwar
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:   e' (Connection: mysql, SQL: alter table `instances` add `software` varchar(
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:   191) null, add `user_count` int unsigned null, add `status_count` int unsig
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:   ned null, add `last_crawled_at` timestamp null)
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]: In Connection.php line 587:
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:   SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'softwar
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:   e'
Jul 29 11:52:57 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681496]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:    INFO  Running migrations.
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:   2021_08_30_050137_add_software_column_to_instances_table .......... 7ms FAIL
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]: In Connection.php line 829:
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:   SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'softwar
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:   e' (Connection: mysql, SQL: alter table `instances` add `software` varchar(
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:   191) null, add `user_count` int unsigned null, add `status_count` int unsig
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:   ned null, add `last_crawled_at` timestamp null)
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]: In Connection.php line 587:
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:   SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'softwar
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:   e'
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 pixelfed-data-setup-start[681541]:                                                                                
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 systemd[1]: pixelfed-data-setup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 systemd[1]: pixelfed-data-setup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 29 11:52:58 NB-ES-02 systemd[1]: Failed to start Pixelfed setup: migrations, environment file update, cache reload, data changes.

I already wipe all the DBs. I am stuck

Edit: I start Redis manually. Now I got a “AUTH” failed error.

There is a NixOS test, that I just tried and it worked on both 24.05 and unstable. The migrations run for close to 90s for me, and if your machine is a potato the systemd unit might run into an activation timeout.

Ey! Don’t call my server a potato :sweat_smile:
I play around a bit and if I start Redis manually the error won’t appear :thinking:

So then the startup is racy, because the pixelfed-data-setup unit does not depend on the redis service, but requires it?

yes, I would say. It looks like pixelfed needs redis but doesn’t start it automatic by default

pixelfed got the option:

services.pixelfed.redis.createLocally = true;

now redis works as it should.
After some configuration with the pixelfed-manage tool (caching, migration etc.), all services were running and I can link nginx to the pixelfed-www directory.
However, nginx throws a 403 error.
I feel like I’m getting closer to success :laughing:

***Edit (1): ***
At the moment I configure nginx via services.nginx.* Does it make a difference if I use nginx via the services.pixelfed.nginx.* options?

***Edit (2): ***
I tried the services.pixelfed.nginx.* option and it throws a 500 error. I will stay with the services.nginx.* option.

The services.pixelfed.nginx.* option sets up a bunch of things following upstream, I recommend sticking with it or sharing your NGINX fragment, otherwise, it’s difficult to debug.

1 Like

ok I made progress.
I started from the beginning with this config:

and now I use nginx within the pixelfed service as @RaitoBezarius suggested.

All services seems to be running:

The output from systemctl:

  UNIT                      LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
  dbus.service              loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
  getty@tty1.service        loaded active running Getty on tty1
  mysql.service             loaded active running MySQL Server
  nginx.service             loaded active running Nginx Web Server
  nscd.service              loaded active running Name Service Cache Daemon (nsncd)
  phpfpm-pixelfed.service   loaded active running PHP FastCGI Process Manager service for pool pixelfed
  pixelfed-horizon.service  loaded active running Pixelfed task queueing via Laravel Horizon framework
  redis-pixelfed.service    loaded active running Redis Server - redis-pixelfed
  sshd.service              loaded active running SSH Daemon
  systemd-journald.service  loaded active running Journal Service
  systemd-logind.service    loaded active running User Login Management
  systemd-oomd.service      loaded active running Userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Killer
  systemd-timesyncd.service loaded active running Network Time Synchronization
  systemd-udevd.service     loaded active running Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files
  user@0.service            loaded active running User Manager for UID 0

Journactl for nginx:

Aug 08 09:55:30 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: Reloading Nginx Web Server...
░░ Subject: A reload job for unit nginx.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ A reload job for unit nginx.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 12813.
Aug 08 09:55:31 MC-EX-01 nginx[23217]: nginx: the configuration file /nix/store/mf5y3cw5j8p2j5r7j8ckb2ggiv5d77a9-nginx.conf syntax is ok
Aug 08 09:55:31 MC-EX-01 nginx[23217]: nginx: configuration file /nix/store/mf5y3cw5j8p2j5r7j8ckb2ggiv5d77a9-nginx.conf test is successful
Aug 08 09:55:31 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: Reloaded Nginx Web Server.
░░ Subject: A reload job for unit nginx.service has finished
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ A reload job for unit nginx.service has finished.
░░ The job identifier is 12813 and the job result is done.

When I want to access pixelfed via browser I got a error 500.
Here in the systemctl from nginx:

XX.XX.XX.XXX - - [08/Aug/2024:09:58:47 +0000] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 500 1017 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0"

Where do I have to look for this error?
When you open domain.tld/offline.html, the page displays normally and there is no automatic reload.

Can you post journalctl -eu phpfpm-pixelfed.service ?

here it is:

Aug 08 08:49:46 MC-EX-01 php-fpm[6716]: [NOTICE] Terminating ...
Aug 08 08:49:46 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: Stopping PHP FastCGI Process Manager service for pool pixelfed...
Aug 08 08:49:46 MC-EX-01 php-fpm[6716]: [NOTICE] exiting, bye-bye!
Aug 08 08:49:46 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: phpfpm-pixelfed.service: Deactivated successfully.
Aug 08 08:49:46 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: Stopped PHP FastCGI Process Manager service for pool pixelfed.
Aug 08 08:49:46 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: phpfpm-pixelfed.service: Consumed 19.337s CPU time, 63.7M memory peak, 0B memory swap peak, no IO, no IP traffic.
Aug 08 08:52:01 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: Starting PHP FastCGI Process Manager service for pool pixelfed...
Aug 08 08:52:02 MC-EX-01 php-fpm[22466]: [NOTICE] fpm is running, pid 22466
Aug 08 08:52:02 MC-EX-01 php-fpm[22466]: [NOTICE] ready to handle connections
Aug 08 08:52:02 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: Started PHP FastCGI Process Manager service for pool pixelfed.
Aug 08 08:52:02 MC-EX-01 php-fpm[22466]: [NOTICE] systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms

The timestamps are inconsistent, the 500 happens at 09:58, the logs you just posted are from 08:52, the 500 should be logged on the application server in theory, or at least, NGINX should report the fpm error itself.

There’s not enough data to help right now.

these are the last entries in journalctl -.-
The times when error 500 happens do not appear in the nginx logs. where else can I look for it or how can I provocate log entries?

Ok. I don’t do anything last night with the server and today I have the follow logs:

Aug 08 13:18:37 MC-EX-01 systemd[1]: Reloaded Nginx Web Server.
Aug 08 14:26:13 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 14:26:13 [error] 3640#3640: *197 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1", host: "monitor.nerdbude.com"
Aug 08 15:35:53 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 15:35:53 [error] 3640#3640: *245 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /alive.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/phpfpm/pixelfed.sock:", host: ""
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *361 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *367 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.git/HEAD HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *368 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.svn/wc.db HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *364 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /wp-admin/setup-config.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/phpfpm/pixelfed.sock:", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *383 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.ssh/id_ed25519 HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *386 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.env HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *391 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.kube/config HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *375 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.ssh/id_rsa HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *379 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /api/.env HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *382 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.env.production HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *387 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.ssh/id_ecdsa HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *394 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.aws/credentials HTTP/1.1", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *384 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /config/database.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/phpfpm/pixelfed.sock:", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *371 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /config.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/phpfpm/pixelfed.sock:", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *366 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /wp-config.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/phpfpm/pixelfed.sock:", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 21:14:06 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 21:14:06 [error] 3640#3640: *363 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /phpinfo.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/phpfpm/pixelfed.sock:", host: "p.kyb3r.space"
Aug 08 22:37:13 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 22:37:13 [error] 3640#3640: *441 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1", host: ""
Aug 08 23:37:08 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/08 23:37:08 [error] 3640#3640: *472 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1", host: ""
Aug 09 01:15:03 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/09 01:15:03 [error] 3640#3640: *518 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.git/HEAD HTTP/1.1", host: "static."
Aug 09 02:16:55 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/09 02:16:55 [error] 3640#3640: *646 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.env HTTP/1.1", host: ""
Aug 09 02:17:21 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/09 02:17:21 [error] 3640#3640: *647 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.env HTTP/1.1", host: ""
Aug 09 04:09:52 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/09 04:09:52 [error] 3640#3640: *687 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.env HTTP/1.1", host: ""
Aug 09 04:10:08 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/09 04:10:08 [error] 3640#3640: *688 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.env HTTP/1.1", host: ""
Aug 09 06:43:56 MC-EX-01 nginx[3640]: 2024/08/09 06:43:56 [error] 3640#3640: *1493 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: p.kyb3r.space, request: "GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1", host: ""