TLDR: I need help finding the specific set of commands that will enable me to restore a postgres database.
I’m using a very basic configuration to setup Home Assistant along with a postgres database, both running as a nixos module, and I also am using the automated postgres database backup service. It all looks like this:
The automated backup creates a file called hass.sql.gz, which can then be unzipped to hass.sql.
I’ve been wildly unsuccessful at being able to actually restore this database though. I’ve run into errors using pg_restore due to it complaining the file is not a proper postgres archive as well as endless permissions errors trying many combinations of psql to restore it. Can anyone help me?
Here are a bunch of things that don’t work right now:
pg_restore -U hass -d hass --single-transaction hass.sql # input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql.
psql -U hass -d template0 -c "DROP DATABASE \"hass\";" # peer authentication failed for user hass
psql -U postgres -d template0 -c "DROP DATABASE \"hass\";" # peer authentication failed for user postgres
psql -U hass -d template0 -c "CREATE DATABASE \"hass\";" # peer authentication failed for user hass
psql -U postgres -d template0 -c "CREATE DATABASE \"hass\";" # peer authentication failed for user postgres
createdb -U hass -d hass -f hass.sql.gz # peer authentication failed for user hass
createdb -U postgres -d hass -f hass.sql.gz # peer authentication failed for user postgres
I think you are directionally correct by using psql to basically run the SQL statements from the backup dump.
You need to fix the peer authentication failed error first. What it’s saying is that postgres does not like the way you’re trying to access it from your current location (doc on auth methods).
You can override postgres auth using services.postgresql.authentication nixos option. That sets the content of pg_hba.conf.
The nuclear option could be a variation of
host all all trust
Which allows anyone from the local machine to log in as any user. Set it, make the changes, and don’t forget to remove it.
When running a command as psql -U hass you will get a peer authentication error unless you are the running it from the hass user. You need to do sudo -u hass psql -U hass. What was suggested before will work, if you switch psql to TCP, which isn’t the default, can be done with psql -U hass -h
However when trying to restore the database with sudo -u hass psql -U hass -d hass -f hass.sql, I’m getting the error psql: error: hass.sql: Permission denied.
I checked the database user details with sudo -u postgres psql -c "\du" and see that the hass user created in my nix module does not have any permissions:
List of roles
Role name | Attributes
hass |
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS
I feel like I’m getting closer but am not sure if this is the problem or how to advance from here…
Is a complaint about permissions of the file. Move that file to a location where the Linux user you’re switching to has access and check the files permissions. Change them using chmod if necessary.
Okay, file permissions fixed and it seems to be working, although I’m still getting an error about the database already existing:
(1 row)
psql:/var/lib/postgresql/hass.sql:23: ERROR: database "hass" already exists
You are now connected to database "hass" as user "postgres".
(seemingly goes on successfully from here)
So for reference, complete sequence at this point is: sudo systemctl stop home-assistant.service sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d template1 -c "DROP DATABASE \"hass\";" sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d template1 -c "CREATE DATABASE \"hass\" OWNER \"hass\";" sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d hass -f hass.sql sudo systemctl start home-assistant.service
Is the error anything to be concerned about? It appears to restore the database and everything seems to be working with the restored content…
It’s probably fine. Often SQL is being executed in a way that will not abort the sequence of statements if one of them failed (CREATE DATABASE failed but the rest of the steps will be executed). This is probably controlled by some psql flag.
SQL can be written in a more idempotent way (CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS foo will not fail if the database exists) but IIRC that’s not technically part of ANSI SQL standard, rather a very common SQL extension. The dump is probably created in a way that’s more compatible with the standard.