Python packages: what versions to build on Hydra?

Currently we’re building two Python package sets on Hydra, CPython 2.7 and CPython 3.6. Soon I will make CPython 3.7 the default Python 3 interpreter and so we will be building those packages instead of 3.6. We still have the 3.4 and 3.5 sets as well, but those aren’t tested at all.

CPython 3.4 will get its last patch likely in March 2019 and thus will probably be dropped from NixOS 19.03. CPython 3.5 and later will receive security updates a bit longer.

What package sets would you like to see built by Hydra?

  • CPython 2.7
  • CPython 3.4
  • CPython 3.5
  • CPython 3.6
  • CPython 3.7
  • PyPy 2.7
  • PyPy 3.5

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