Python + Qt woes

Actually, I totally agree with that. I guess it’s the brick wall that I’ve hit here that is making me have heretical thoughts.

Oh, I think it’s pretty clear that nix develop is the right tool for this sort of thing.

[Aside: I’m getting the impression that when I use direnv with use flake that the build phase is being executed, and also when I manually execute nix develop … unless it’s cached (this has arisen while a bazillion other questions were being raised, so I haven’t kept track of it very well). At first blush I would hope that neither nix develop nor direnv should build the package automatically.]

Hrrmmmph … can you help me decipher "${qtWrapperArgs[@]}"? Maybe starting with the [@]: I have no idea what that is (bash? Nix? Druid Runes? APL? Brainfuck?), or where to start looking it up.