Quickemu complaining about no EFI firmware

Looks like an issue in my not using or understanding home manager. The above would be fine with NixOS config.

As someone who does use home-manager, this is weird.

@noblman, can you try

  unstable = (pkgs.lib.debug.traceVal (import <nixos-unstable>)) { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; };
in {
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

The issue with this is a missing opening bracket after the with unstable;, by the way. A much better way of doing the above would simply be (since weā€™re only using one package, and itā€™s in unstable):

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> { };
in {
  home.packages = with unstable; [

But the suggestion is a bit pointless in the first place, the error is clearly complaining about calling <nixpkgs-unstable>'s default.nix, which wouldnā€™t be happening if quickemu wasnā€™t being pulled from the unstable variable there.

with is indeed a known anti-pattern that can cause scoping issues, but itā€™s pretty ok to use as long as you stick to only with pkgs for home.packages-like things and donā€™t have any name collisions. Scoping isnā€™t the problem here, and with counter-intuitively doesnā€™t override variables from the existing scope anyway, so thereā€™s no way this is broken.

First, although you mentioned home-manager, I assume this is supposed to go into configuration.nix since it is using environment.systemPackages.

I tried doing that, and got the following:

āÆ sudo nixos-rebuild switch
error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:5:4
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
building Nix...

Thatā€™sā€¦ Odd. Itā€™s not tracing the value. That means itā€™s failing before it resolves the call to unstable, I think, since type errors like this happen during evaluation so traceVal should have already triggered?

Could you try the following two commands in nix repl:

unstable = import <nixos-unstable> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }

Iā€™d like to figure out whether the issue is with the quickemu derivation (?), your configuration of nixos-unstable (??) or something more fundamental about your installation (???). Itā€™d be nice to know where exactly the error comes from.

Given the previous test I assume these will work, and Iā€™ll be very confused. Have you changed what the module system passes around as pkgs somehow? How are you building a system with just those lines in configuration.nix anyway - just to test or are you expecting to switch to that config?

It looks like that worked.

āÆ nix repl
Welcome to Nix version 2.3.16. Type :? for help.

nix-repl> unstable = import <nixos-unstable> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }

nix-repl> unstable.quickemu
Ā«derivation /nix/store/ispwh8mjksbp5hzrj5cxzzbdj120z319-quickemu-3.14.drvĀ»


Edit: But now what? I still would like to install the unstable version of quickemu using home-manager.

Hi. I finally figured out how to install unstable quickemu 3.15 in my configuration.nix. Not ideal, because I wanted to do it in home.nix, but thatā€™s OK for now.

Finally I can get back to the original problem, which is that quickemu complains that no SecureBoot firmware is found. I thought that this was something that was fixed in later versions? I also tried adding the package OVMF and OVMFFull, but still no go.

How can I get this working?

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Ah, I am glad you got that working! Would you mind posting the code so future users can better understand what is going on?

As far as SecureBoot, I was unable to get Windows11 working, but Windows10 is pretty solid. Here is what I did for that:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  nixpkgs = {
    overlays = [
      (final: prev: {
        quickemu = prev.quickemu.override { OVMF = pkgs.OVMFFull.override { secureBoot = true; tpmSupport = true; csmSupport = true; httpSupport = true;}; };
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

I needed to override OVMF to allow for SecureBoot, and passed that override into an override of Quickemu.