Racket does not find documentation (after update?)


I am on nixos-unstable and after an update last Monday I noticed that Racket didn’t find the documentation.

> (require racket/help)
> (help map)
Loading help index...
; help: no documentation found for: map provided by: "/nix/store/za0k7s00bg3v5sasyqalv12ii7pxjbjn-racket-7.6/collects/racket/base.rkt"
; Context:
;  /nix/store/za0k7s00bg3v5sasyqalv12ii7pxjbjn-racket-7.6/collects/racket/repl.rkt:11:26

Also, weirdly:

my-test.rkt> (help)
Sending to web browser...
  file: /nix/store/za0k7s00bg3v5sasyqalv12ii7pxjbjn-racket-7.6/doc/index.html

Turns out this file does not even exist on my machine, but /nix/store/za0k7s00bg3v5sasyqalv12ii7pxjbjn-racket-7.6/share/doc/index.html does! (mind the added share/)

I am not sure whether this breakage has any connection with the update however. I bumped into it while trying to debug Racket Mode for Emacs not being able to find the documentation any more (GitHub issue). This used to work before the update, but both Racket and Racket Mode got updated, so the breakage can be in many possible locations.

Does anyone have similar issues with Racket?

Quite weirdly, installing and requiring (importing) packages works smoothly. It almost looks like the version of racket/help I have does not match that of the Racket distribution.

For the reference, I also asked this question on Racket Users.


Nice catch!

I just had a quick look. The 7.6 bump definitely broke that.

The problem comes from the tarball we’re using. Until the 7.6 release, the documentation was at the root of the tarball. It is now sitting under /share/doc.

I’m not sure whether we should move the doc to the root during a fixup phase or whether we should patch racket to lookup at ${store_path}/share/doc instead of ${store_path}/doc

@marsam, git blame is pointing me at you, WDYT?

Thanks a lot @picnoir ! It’s really reassuring that you identified the cause of the issue. I started digging into the source code of racket/help to see where it looked for docs, and you saved me even more digging.

I’m not sure whether we should move the doc to the root during a fixup phase or whether we should patch racket to lookup at ${store_path}/share/doc instead of ${store_path}/doc

Naively, I’d say that patching Racket is better than moving the doc. I haven’t yet looked at the Racket Nix package (although now it seems obvious I absolutely should have :smile:) , but I suppose it already patches the lookup paths. Updating that path seems better than moving doc out of share and still patching Racket.

Naively, I’d say that patching Racket is better than moving the doc. I haven’t yet looked at the Racket Nix package (although now it seems obvious I absolutely should have :smile:) , but I suppose it already patches the lookup paths. Updating that path seems better than moving doc out of share and still patching Racket.

We are not patching racket per say, we are setting up autotool’s prefix
to $out. This prefix appended by /doc is used by racket as a default
doc-dir[1]. This doc-dir is then used by the builtin help function.

100% agree with you, it makes more sense to point racket to the
/share/doc directory.

I wrote a small fixup phase patching the default $out/etc/config.rktd to
point doc-dir to $out/share/doc. I’m currently re-building the whole
world. I’ll open a PR as soon as I’m sure this small trick is corretly

[1] 19 Installation Configuration and Search Paths for more info
about these configurable paths.

Thanks a lot!

I also got an answer on the Racket Users mailing list here. Essentially, the problem seems related to this GitHub issue: it seems that the new packaging for Racket 7.6 breaks “old unixstyle install default behavior”. The suggested workaround before this gets fixed upstream is here:


Do you think we should rather go with this suggestion? I’ve been running Nix and marginally contributing to Nixpkgs for a couple years now, but I don’t really have an opinion about how this fix compares to your solution.

Great! Uknowingly, I was looking for exactly this when I was trying to debug the problem on my side.

Hey Sergiu,

In the end, I came up with this dirty hack yesterday night:

That said, that’s nowhere from an acceptable fix, it could break at any

I was really confused by this:

How come racket was not looking at $prefix/share/doc for the build? I
did not manage to find an answer to that, did not open a PR and went to
bed angry.

In light with the issue you just linked, everything now makes sense.

Provided we’re not enabling the “unixstyle” build, we end up in this

Indeed, looks like enabling the unixstyle flag is the right thing to do here!

I’ve been running Nix and marginally contributing to Nixpkgs for a
couple years now, but I don’t really have an opinion about how this
fix compares to your solution.

It makes much more sense than my dirty hack! Please open a PR! :slight_smile:


I asked the author of that fix to submit a PR, as they already have a branch with exactly this fix in their fork of Nixpkgs. I’ll also test this fix in my local checkout of Nixpkgs just in case.

Thanks a lot for your work @picnoir ! I hope you managed to sleep well anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

I rebuilt Racket locally with the fix and help and related functions started seeing the docs again :tada:

I hope the person who suggested the fix will submit a PR soon. I’ll link to it when it happens.

Here is the pull request: racket: use --enable-useprefix configure flag. by takikawa · Pull Request #85385 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub .

Oh, sorry for the noise, I thought I was editing the previous post.