Specifying Package Version in `shell.nix`?

(These 4 steps should explain the situation)

  1. Installing latest nodejs on command line? easy nix-env -i nodejs
  2. Using latest nodejs in shell.nix? easy
    # (using niv for pinned versions)
    sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
    normalPackages = import sources.nixpkgs {};
    normalPackages.mkShell {
        buildInputs = [
  1. Installing specific nodejs version on command line? easy nix-env -i nodejs-14.5.0
  2. Using specific nodejs version in shell.nix?
# ... no idea

How can the version be specified inside a shell.nix?

(version being one of the versions from nix-env -q --available nodejs)

What I have tried (over the course of ~1 week)

I know nix is hard and all but dang; just learning how to specify a version in nix is taking about as long as learning all of Vue, React, and Ruby combined.


nix-env without -A (--attr) searches all packages for one with matching name attribute. It is better to use attribute paths (i.e. attribute name in all-packages.nix and so on) to refer to package since it avoids the need to evaluate all the packages and possible ambiguities. You can print the attribute paths by adding -P (--atrr-path) to nix-env.

$ nix-env -qP --available nodejs
nixos.nodejs       nodejs-10.18.1
nixos.nodejs-10_x  nodejs-10.18.1
nixos.nodejs-12_x  nodejs-12.14.1
nixos.nodejs-13_x  nodejs-13.6.0
$ nix-env -iA nixos.nodejs-13_x

The attribute paths are what is used in Nix expression so you would use normalPackages.nodejs-14_x.

If you really wanted to use the derivation names, you would do something like lib.filterAttrs (a: p: lib.isDerivation p && p.name == "nodejs-12.14.1") pkgs but you would need to handle recursion, packages that fail to evaluate and other issues. Using attribute is much better choice as described above.


That worked wonderfully, thank you! My first project setup with nix is complete :confetti_ball:

Answer to: 4. Using specific nodejs version in shell.nix ?

And, just to be clear to anyone else stumbling across this thread, the exact/literal shell.nix looks like:

    # (using niv for pinned versions)
    sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
    normalPackages = import sources.nixpkgs {};
    normalPackages.mkShell {
        buildInputs = [

I’m still not used to dashes being allowed in names.

Also for anyone else using niv, if you get errors when it works on command line, you might need do

# careful with the rm
rm -rf ./nix
niv update nixpkgs -b nixpkgs-unstable
niv init
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