Still can't print after 6 months (Canon MF445dw) -- at the end of my rope


I followed your advice and after fiddling around again with the CUPS options ended up with the following for the Canon MF655Cdw

# /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  # printing
  services.printing.enable = true;
  services.avahi.enable = true;
  services.avahi.nssmdns = true;
  services.avahi.openFirewall = true;

And for CUPS:

Driver: IPP Everywhere 
Connection: socket://printer.home

Since I moved the connection FROM ipp:// TO socket:// it has been printing correctly using IPP Everywhere.

Thanks for your inputs.

That’s great! Congratulations on getting it to work, finally. Tenacity seems to be as important as anything else, with NixOS :slight_smile:


It seems the driver has the problem.

Anyway, my printer works fine without the driver

Can someone upstream all these necessary options that make printing ‘really’ work, to be enabled by default whenever printing.enable is set?

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