Suddenly unable to use scanner without sudo

Hi everyone. I used to be able to scan images as a normal user, but suddenly scanimage -L cannot detect my scanner anymore unless I run it as root (due to some system update I suppose). I am using NixOs 24.05. This is my scanner related configuration:

{ pkgs, inputs, ... }:
  model = "MFC-7360N";
  nodename = "my_scanners_node_name";
  imports = [
    # Brother scanner backend

  users.users.my_username.extraGroups = [ "scanner" "lp" ];

  # scanner support
  hardware.sane = {
    enable = true;
    brscan4 = {
      enable = true;
      netDevices.${model} = {
        inherit model nodename;

Do you have an idea why this setup could have been broken by a system update (nixpkgs refers to the github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05 stable branch)?