Sunshine self-hosted game stream

I have no idea :\ I use KDE as well but do not use kscreen-doctor (I use the default conf). I am using (mostly) the latest version of nixpkgs-unstable.

Hi! Did you ever find a solution to this? You are correct that this is caused by the security wrapper, but is there any way around it?

I’m facing the same issue. Have you managed to solve it?

I’ve worked around the security wrapper issue by creating a separate service for launching Steam games, one that is not encumbered by a security wrapper.

First, the service: = {
    enable = true;
    description = "Listen and starts steam games by id";
    wantedBy = [""];
    partOf = [ "" ];
    wants = [ "" ];
    after = [ "" ];
    serviceConfig.Restart = "on-failure";
    script = toString (pkgs.writers.writePython3 "steam-run-url-service" {} ''
      import os
      from pathlib import Path
      import subprocess

      pipe_path = Path(f'/run/user/{os.getuid()}/steam-run-url.fifo')
          pipe_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
          os.mkfifo(pipe_path, 0o600)
          while True:
              with'utf-8') as pipe:
    path = [

The service waits for a client to pipe Steam URL (e.g. steam://rungameid/1086940) to a file at /run/user/1000/steam-run-url.fifo (where 1000 is your user id). Upon reading an URL from the file the service launches Steam, passing the received URL to it.

Once you have the service running you can start a game with command:

# Launch Baldur's Gate 3
echo "steam://rungameid/1086940" > "/run/user/$(id --user)/steam-run-url.fifo"

Any terminal output from the game goes to steam-run-url-service’s journal, which you can see with:

journalctl --user -u steam-run-url-service.service

To make it easier to launch games the launch command can be wrapped into a script:

  steam-run-url = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
    name = "steam-run-url";
    text = ''
      echo "$1" > "/run/user/$(id --user)/steam-run-url.fifo"
    runtimeInputs = [
      pkgs.coreutils  # For `id` command

Then add it to your environment so that it can be called from shell:

environment.systemPackages = [ steam-run-url ];


steam-run-url steam://rungameid/1086940  # Start Baldur's Gate 3
steam-run-url steam://open/bigpicture    # Start Steam in Big Picture mode

And finally, put it to Sunshine service’s PATH. This way you can use it in Sunshine’s app settings as a detached command: = [ steam-run-url ];

In Sunshine’s app settings replace e.g. call:

setsid steam steam://rungameid/1086940


steam-run-url steam://rungameid/1086940

See my Sunshine config for full example.

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Thank you! it will surely be useful to me :wink:

Someone managed to turn on the screen with sunshine the hyprctl dispatch dpms command we work in the terminal but sunshine can’t do it.

Since headless is broken immediately, I stream the screen directly, but I have to turn on the screen first.

I have tried this and worked flawlessly. Thank you very much for solving it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: