The NixOS Cache is now hosted by Fastly!

For what it’s worth, I get the same error when I try to update my machine on the connection to my apartment, but using VPN connected via my university the errors go away. My suspicion is that Fastly is rate limiting certain IP-ranges. I also get the same errors on GitHub occasionally, and using a VPN solves them. Somewhat obnoxious, but given that I live in a student city and share the connection with a few thousand others I can certainly see why it happens.


The problem still persists for me. Had to nixos-rebuild switch --keep-going about 5 times today.

I still have this problem as well. It started happening again about a week ago and has been continuous since then. I’ve tried nixos-rebuild with --keep-going multiple times but I am completely unable to update.

My particular errors are in this form (curl error: Timeout was reached):

warning: unable to download '': HTTP error 200 (curl error: Timeout was reached); retrying in 309 ms
warning: unable to download '': HTTP error 200 (curl error: Timeout was reached); retrying in 538 ms
warning: unable to download '': HTTP error 200 (curl error: Timeout was reached); retrying in 653 ms
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Strange. After it was consistently failing for a week, I just tried manually downloading the NARs with wget and curl and both worked - and then my nixos-rebuild also worked after that. I also experimented with running it with -j1, but it seems to be working without that.

The HTTP error 200 (curl error: Timeout was reached); problem also occurs for me, though limiting to one job with -j1 fixes it.

Maybe increasing NIX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT might also help?

The timeout error seems to affect some people from Europe/Germany on NixOS 19.03:

From Colombia I experienced the same problems but the following steps solve the problem:

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade --keep-going

Just the summary of some steps from different people, from a new location!

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13 posts were split to a new topic: NixOS Cache fetching issue

@jralvarezc @HappyEnt @solson @pimiddy @sondr3 @matthew-hilty @alexherbo2 @Meizikyn @gpstrucker

If you are still having issues with the cache, try out the new experimental one: Improvements to (help test the new config!)

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