The papercut thread - post your small annoyances/confusions here

Not completely ideal, but you can quickly find out the versions with nix-eval as well:

~ % nix eval nixpkgs.digikam.version
~ % nix eval nixpkgs.digikam5.version

I know that there are severall ways to figure that out. My point is that it’s not obvious from the name of the attribute.

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I did a talk at nixcon called nix at home last year that briefly covered how to use nix on non-nixos to generate systemd services. An Introduction to Nix for Developers


Any chance you could turn this into a page?
I’ve been wondering if this was possible for a while now and it’d be nice to have a simple intro page for it

@aaron.ash what would you like to be reflected? A FAQ of common issues?

Woops, I meant to reply directly to disassembler, any chance you could do a simple page on generating systemd services on non-nixos distros?
Is this something that is expected to work in general with nix or more of a quick hack?

Most (all?) nix[- ]* commands have a -v | --verbose switch (see man page excerpt below from man nix-shell and man nix-env), and I believe level 2 should be the default, just to see if there is something happening or not.

       --verbose / -v
           Increases  the  level  of  verbosity  of  diagnostic
           messages  printed on  standard error.  For each  Nix
           operation,  the  information   printed  on  standard
           output is  well-defined; any  diagnostic information
           is  printed on  standard  error,  never on  standard

           This option may  be specified repeatedly. Currently,
           the following verbosity levels exist:

               “Errors  only”: only  print messages  explaining why
                               the Nix invocation failed.

               “Informational”: print useful messages about what Nix
                                is doing. This is the default.

               “Talkative”: print more informational messages.

               “Chatty”: print even more informational messages.

               “Debug”: print debug information.

               “Vomit”: print vast amounts of debug information.