Tilling window manager for NixOS

Hello everyone,
I want to use a tilling window manager in NixOS, personal preference for TWM in Fedora is: i3/sway, but I have also used: dwm, bspwm, qlite, awesomewm, herbstluftwm. any advice is welcome. some of the TWM are similar like for example sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for i3.

EDIT: this is a great community and respect to the entire nix team+community for the wonderful job.
Live Long and Prosper :vulcan_salute:

Not sure what the question really was but you probably want to look under nixos/modules or just use ā€œfind fileā€ on Github and search up i3.nix, dwm.nix, bspwm.nix, etc for service configurations. If you want to do it on a per user basis, you probably want to use home-manager and its modules.

To look for options I prefer to search through man configuration.nix and man home-configuration.nix for home-manager. Took me a while to discover this when I started using nixos. I used to rely on NixOS Search

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I am using i3 as the main window manager in NixOS and works really well without any major issues so far.
you can find many packages dedicate for i3 at NixOS Search

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You can search NixOS ā€œoptionsā€ to see which window managers can be enabled and some basic options in some cases.


Iā€™m currently using Qtile, and quite often via vncserver, so I have a common/x.nix that I include in some of my configuration.nix files.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    # Qtile

  # Open ports in the firewall.
  # 5900-5909: VNC Server.
  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPortRanges = [
    { from = 5900; to = 5909; }

  # Keybase
  services.kbfs.enable = true;
  services.keybase.enable = true;

  # X Server stuff

  # compton
  services.compton.enable = true;

  services.xserver = {
    enable = true;
    layout = "gb";

    windowManager.qtile = {
      enable = true;

    windowManager.default = "qtile";

    desktopManager.xterm.enable = false;
    desktopManager.default = "none";

    displayManager = {
      slim = {
        enable = true;
        ###defaultUser = "ian";

    ###displayManager.lightdm = {
    ###  enable = true;
    ###  greeters.gtk.indicators = [ "~host" "~spacer" "~clock" "~spacer" "~a11y" "~session" "~power"];

  fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [
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For Sway, see also GitHub - colemickens/nixpkgs-wayland: You should switch to nix-community/nixpkgs-wayland. -- This is now my personal dev fork.


Hello everyone,
I managed to install i3 works great, will try sway later on. I was asking for experience based advice.


Is that repository still necessary? I thought sway and dependencies were in nixpkgs now?

I am using sway from nixos-unstable and it works great. Not sure if itā€™s available in 19.03.

nixpkgs-wayland can still be used if you want bleeding-edge versions.

thank you all for your valuable advice and provided information on the topic, it was very useful.

Live Long and Prosper :vulcan_salute:

I was a fan of the ā€˜ion3ā€™ tiling wm, so much that when the original author quit I ended up maintaining a fork, ā€˜notionā€™.

Weā€™re gearing up for our next major release, ā€˜notion 4ā€™. The nix build is still a work in progress though, Error with fontconfig when building with PRELOAD_MODULES Ā· Issue #202 Ā· raboof/notion Ā· GitHub :wink: waves to @moaxcp


i3 / sway work OK for now, and nixOS is just my test pc for experimentation and my daily driver is Fedora for many years, so for now I am good with i3 / sway , I will give ion3 I try when I get the time.

Thank you for the provided information and for your contribution.

ion3 hasnā€™t been maintained since 2009 so Iā€™d argue that itā€™s not advisable to use it seriously.

I only came to know about it when I had installed the ion shell with nix-env -iA nixos.ion and was doing a nix-env -u and noticed it was replacing the shell with ion3 (same pname as the shell and a higher version number, nix-env isnā€™t super smart sometimes).

well my experiment PC is my 3-th PC at work connect via switch to change monitor+keyboard+mouse,
First and main driver is Fedora Stable (Fedora 30 now, soon 31), Second for work testing of apps and running bash scripts or other stuff that need high CPU/GPU this is SilberBlue Fedora rawhide (bleeding edge version) (Fedora 32 version now) and my older PC is more for experimenting and playing around with 2 HDDs, one arch one nixos. I have not used nixos for a long time but is works great and I like to experiment so when I find the time I will test out few tilling Window Managers on it, arch and nixos especially is kinda build for TWM, I use gnome on fedora, and i3/sway on SB Fedora32 so TWM is I am used to it and prefer keyboard over mouse usage. ion3 is on my test experiment list of TWM.


Weā€™ve been maintaining a fork under name ā€˜notionā€™, though! We have a new major version coming up, you can get a sneak preview through the nixos package at Comparing NixOS:master...raboof:notion4 Ā· NixOS/nixpkgs Ā· GitHub

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And for what itā€™s worth, Iā€™ve been using the notion fork for the last few months, and Iā€™m happy the project is still alive. :slight_smile: I used Ion a loong time ago, but finally gave up on customizing my systems because I hadnā€™t discovered Nix yet, and reinstalls were always such a pain. Now with Nix, my system is getting more and more customizedā€¦


Hello! Can you help me set up a NixOS installation similar to yours? I didnā€™t find it in the ā€œconfiguration.nixā€ file the part where I should insert the script you shared. Is it in the same file or some other? Should I install the ā€œhome managerā€?
I will be grateful for any help. :v:

At first, a part already set up like this:

  # Enable the X11 windowing system.
  services.xserver.enable = true;
  services.xserver.layout = us;
  services.xserver.xkbOptions = "alt-intl";

  # Enable the Qtile
  services.xserver.windowManager.qtile.enable = true;
  services.xserver.desktopManager.xterm.enable = false;
  services.xserver.desktopManager.default = "none";

After activating the settings the system does not start. Just a ā€œ_ā€ cursor flashing on the black screen and you have to press ā€œAlt + F2ā€ to return to the shell.

Unfortunately I too have had trouble with Qtile on NixOS recently, something changed at some point that broke it.

Iā€™m now using Sway, without a login manager, I just log in to the terminal and run sway.

I installed ā€œswayā€ before and it didnā€™t work. Now I ran the ā€œswayā€ command again and surprise! Only the mouse pointer appeared on the shell screen on which it is possible to slide across it. But no commands are accepted, not even ā€œAlt + F2ā€.

Hmm, do you have a ~/.config/sway/config yet? I think I copied the one found at /etc/sway/config.