Hi everyone, great topic and thanks to all for sharing
I recently switched my whole working environment from Ubuntu to NixOS (desktop).
Prolly not re-inventing the wheel here:
I’m currently running multiple NixOS desktop containers (not VM’s) in LXD which are accessed via xrdp (e.g with Remmina) for remote desktop, all within a NixOS desktop instance (Nixos in Nixos).
Main reasons is to avoid having to do clean install whenever I need to up or down an environment. As working remotely, this comes in handy and avoid mixing up work, personal and different projects, packages, etc.
Assuming one’s device has enough resources, it is runs quite smooth, though they are few drawbacks.
Also good alternative to nixos-rebuild build-vm
(NixOS:nixos-rebuild build-vm - NixOS Wiki), containers also being “lighter” than VM’s.
Some example here:
- Howto setup LXD on NixOS with NixOS guest using unmanaged bridge network interface
- GitHub - JimJ92120/nixos-remote-desktop-for-lxd: Demonstrate how to build and run a NixOS Desktop as a container for LXD.
- GitHub - JimJ92120/lxd-preseed-for-nixos: A preseed(ed) configuration for LXD in a NixOS host, to declare** any LXD options and configurations.