Unexpected pipewire error

I just upgraded nixpkgs (I’m using flakes, I have inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";, and ran nix flake update nixpkgs) and suddenly I’m getting the following error

       Failed assertions:
       - Using PipeWire as the sound server conflicts with PulseAudio. This option requires `hardware.pulseaudio.enable` to be set to false

My config does indeed include hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true; but nowhere do I have enabled pipewire. The documentation for the pipewire option says it should default to false, and I can confirm this with nix repl:

nix-repl> nixosConfigurations.hostname.options.services.pipewire.enable
  __toString = «lambda __toString @ /nix/store/5w3dp0m37794iffsbm9vd9f1xmmhda6i-source/lib/modules.nix:828:22»;
  _type = "option";
  declarationPositions = [ ... ];
  declarations = [ ... ];
  default = false;
  definitions = [ ... ];
  definitionsWithLocations = [ ... ];
  description = "Whether to enable PipeWire service.";
  example = true;
  files = [ ... ];
  highestPrio = 1000;
  isDefined = true;
  loc = [ ... ];
  options = [ ];
  type = { ... };
  value = true;

But still I’m getting this error but have no clue where this is coming from… Pulseaudio has always worked fine for me so I have no intention to move to pipewire. Does anyone have any idea where this is coming from and how I can avoid the error?

Ok so you do always find the issue after you’ve posted on a forum :sweat_smile: In the changelog for nixos unstable I found an entry for the switch to pipewire as the default sound server, but before I was looking at the changelog for stable…