Using nvidia-container-runtime with containerd on NixOS

I stopped toying with this (I will get back to it soon). However when I had this error, it meant that some binaries from the nvidia-docker package were not in path.

Did you have any luck with this?

edit: Have you considered building a containerized nvidia driver?

Unfortunately no, I have now tried with versions 1.9.0, 1.13.1, and 1.12.1.

nvidia-smi works with a k3s ctr run --gpus 0, but the nvidia-container-runtime binary is now (in v1.12.1 and v1.13.1) failing to load libcuda, which results in a missing symbol error.

k3s ctr run --rm -t --gpus 0 --runc-binary=nvidia-container-runtime cuda

ctr: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: unable to retrieve OCI runtime error (open /run/k3s/containerd/
time.v2.task/ no such file or directory): nvidia-container-runtime did not terminate successfully: exit status 127: /
nix/store/qm28zv7kyl60pxhf8xyp33c1m5dr6jzz-nvidia-k3s/bin/nvidia-container-runtime: symbol lookup error: /nix/store/qm28zv7kyl60pxhf8xyp33c1
m5dr6jzz-nvidia-k3s/bin/nvidia-container-runtime: undefined symbol: cuDriverGetVersion: unknown

Very puzzling, since libcuda is in the /tmp/, and 1.9.0 was not having this issue.

ldconfig -C /tmp/ --print-cache | grep cuda (libc6,x86-64) => /tmp/nvidia-libs/ (libc6,x86-64) => /tmp/nvidia-libs/ (libc6,x86-64) => /tmp/nvidia-libs/ (libc6,x86-64) => /tmp/nvidia-libs/

And nvidia-container-cli is having no issues

nvidia-container-cli -k -d log
cat log | grep libcuda

I0519 22:42:56.134093 3346551 nvc_info.c:174] selecting /nix/store/30x7mhkxv6ghf8893d6lhd5jiplxh897-nvidia-x11-525.89.02-5.15.96/lib/libcuda
I0519 22:42:56.134210 3346551 nvc_info.c:174] selecting /nix/store/30x7mhkxv6ghf8893d6lhd5jiplxh897-nvidia-x11-525.89.02-5.15.96/lib/libcuda
W0519 22:42:56.134862 3346551 nvc_info.c:404] missing compat32 library
W0519 22:42:56.134869 3346551 nvc_info.c:404] missing compat32 library

But there is no load of libcuda occurring

$ LD_DEBUG=libs nvidia-container-runtime 2>&1 | grep "find library"
   3375337:     find [0]; searching
   3375337:     find [0]; searching
   3375344:     find [0]; searching
   3375344:     find [0]; searching
   3375337:     find [0]; searching
   3375337:     find [0]; searching
   3375337:     find [0]; searching

$ strace nvidia-container-runtime 2>&1 | rg 'openat\(.*, "/nix/store/(.*)",.*' -r '$1'

This is with the patch on nvidia-container-toolkit

preBuild = ''
  substituteInPlace go/src/ \
    --replace '/usr/bin' '${placeholder "out"}/bin'

  sed -i -e "s@/etc/" -e "s@/etc/" \
      go/src/ \
      go/src/ \

Thanks for the tip on nvidia’s containerized driver solution. I was considering using kata containers but that would be a pivot away from nixos which is what I’m trying to avoid :confused:

Ok so I took the very un-nix hammer approach and it worked! I have the current nixpkgs-unstable nvidia-container-toolkit derivation in my overlay and statically linked libcuda and libnvidia-ml into the go binaries. This is with v1.12.1.

  ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-extldflags" "'-L${unpatched-nvidia-driver}/lib -lcuda -lnvidia-ml'" ];

Where unpatched-nvidia-driver is @eadwu’s builder swap, though I’m not sure if that matters in this case since these libs don’t link to any other nvidia libs, and the ones they do link should be in whatever container is running.

ldd /nix/store/30x7mhkxv6ghf8893d6lhd5jiplxh897-nvidia-x11-525.89.02-5.15.96/lib/ (0x00007ffd5fc4e000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007f3405733000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007f340554d000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007f3405548000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007f3405543000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007f340553e000)
        /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib64/ (0x00007f34074f5000)

ldd /nix/store/30x7mhkxv6ghf8893d6lhd5jiplxh897-nvidia-x11-525.89.02-5.15.96/lib/ (0x00007ffdde5fd000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007faa7a5b8000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007faa79520000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007faa7a5b3000) => /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ (0x00007faa7933a000)
        /nix/store/xnk2z26fqy86xahiz3q797dzqx96sidk-glibc-2.37-8/lib64/ (0x00007faa7a5bf000)

Furthermore, I had twiddle with the /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml.tmpl quite a bit and landed on this

  path = "{{ .NodeConfig.Containerd.Opt }}"

  stream_server_address = ""
  stream_server_port = "10010"

  # ---- added for gpu
  enable_selinux = {{ .NodeConfig.SELinux }}
  enable_unprivileged_ports = true
  enable_unprivileged_icmp = true
  # end added for gpu

{{- if .IsRunningInUserNS }}
  disable_cgroup = true
  disable_apparmor = true
  restrict_oom_score_adj = true

{{- if .NodeConfig.AgentConfig.PauseImage }}
  sandbox_image = "{{ .NodeConfig.AgentConfig.PauseImage }}"

{{- if not .NodeConfig.NoFlannel }}
  bin_dir = "{{ .NodeConfig.AgentConfig.CNIBinDir }}"
  conf_dir = "{{ .NodeConfig.AgentConfig.CNIConfDir }}"

	default_runtime_name = "runc"

	# ---- added for GPU support
	snapshotter = "overlayfs"
	disable_snapshot_annotations = true

  runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"

# ---- added for GPU support
	runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
	runtime_root = ""
	runtime_engine = ""
	privileged_without_host_devices = false
	BinaryName = "@nvidia-container-runtime@"
	SystemdCgroup = true

{{ if .PrivateRegistryConfig }}
{{ if .PrivateRegistryConfig.Mirrors }}
{{range $k, $v := .PrivateRegistryConfig.Mirrors }}
  endpoint = [{{range $i, $j := $v.Endpoints}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}{{printf "%q" .}}{{end}}]

{{range $k, $v := .PrivateRegistryConfig.Configs }}
{{ if $v.Auth }}
  {{ if $v.Auth.Username }}username = "{{ $v.Auth.Username }}"{{end}}
  {{ if $v.Auth.Password }}password = "{{ $v.Auth.Password }}"{{end}}
  {{ if $v.Auth.Auth }}auth = "{{ $v.Auth.Auth }}"{{end}}
  {{ if $v.Auth.IdentityToken }}identitytoken = "{{ $v.Auth.IdentityToken }}"{{end}}
{{ if $v.TLS }}
  {{ if $v.TLS.CAFile }}ca_file = "{{ $v.TLS.CAFile }}"{{end}}
  {{ if $v.TLS.CertFile }}cert_file = "{{ $v.TLS.CertFile }}"{{end}}
  {{ if $v.TLS.KeyFile }}key_file = "{{ $v.TLS.KeyFile }}"{{end}}

Wherein “@nvidia-container-runtime@” is substituted at rebuild with the full /nix/store path.

Now I’m at a stage where the nvidia-device-plugin is running stable and show gpus on the node, but only is being mounted into pod containers with the runtimeClassName: nvidia instead of which is what nvidia-smi and friends are looking for. Looking to patch that with some kind of admission webhook policy since one run of ldconfig in the container adds the symlink and gets it all working, as opposed to reversing the static library linking and crossing my fingers that nvidia-container-runtime mounts appropriately.

Thanks for the help!


My final solution to the ldconfig run issue inside the container was another patch of libnvidia-container/src/nvc_ldcache.c, essentially running ldconfig again but with the /etc/ that is mounted into the containers containing the paths expected by the nvidia-container-runtime.

$ kubectl exec -n kube-system -it nvidia-device-plugin-pz56s -- /bin/sh
$ cat /etc/
include /etc/*.conf
$ cat /etc/*.conf
# libc default configuration
# Multiarch support

This patch works on top of @eadwu’s patch.

diff --git a/src/nvc_ldcache.c b/src/nvc_ldcache.c
index db3b2f69..28e08d3b 100644
--- a/src/nvc_ldcache.c
+++ b/src/nvc_ldcache.c
@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ int
 nvc_ldcache_update(struct nvc_context *ctx, const struct nvc_container *cnt)
         char **argv;
+        char **argv_container;
         pid_t child;
         int status;
         bool drop_groups = true;
@@ -402,11 +403,18 @@ nvc_ldcache_update(struct nvc_context *ctx, const struct nvc_container *cnt)
                 if (limit_syscalls(&ctx->err) < 0)
                         goto fail;
+                argv_container = (char * []){argv[0], "-f", "/etc/", "-C", "/etc/", cnt->cfg.libs_dir, cnt->cfg.libs32_dir, NULL};
                 if (fd < 0)
                         execve(argv[0], argv, (char * const []){NULL});
                         fexecve(fd, argv, (char * const []){NULL});
                 error_set(&ctx->err, "process execution failed");
+                log_infof("executing %s again", argv_container[0]);
+                if (fd < 0)
+                        execve(argv_container[0], argv_container, (char * const []){NULL});
+                else
+                        fexecve(fd, argv_container, (char * const []){NULL});
+                error_set(&ctx->err, "process execution failed");
                 log_errf("could not start %s: %s", argv[0], ctx->err.msg);
                 (ctx->err.code == ENOENT) ? _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) : _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);


  patches = [
    # eadwu's patch
    # patch from above
    # patch from nixpkgs

Edit: the admission webhook solution did not work because

  • initContainers can only operate on files in a shared volumeMount which could work in this case but complicates matter significantly since you’d have to mount all of the library volumes and /etc subpaths containing{cache,config}
  • lifeCycle: postStart: exec: command: ["ldconfig"] just invites a race condition that fails often

Was wondering if anyone has a working example of this? Currently trying to integrate my Nvidia GPU with k3s + containerd and I’m hitting a wall, was hoping to find some guidance

My problem (like an idiot) was linuxPackages_hardend

Can someone post a working config? I am struggling to make it work.

I’ve received various requests over the past months for a working config, so I’ve decided to make the repo I have running this config public.

Please note the nixpkgs flake lock versions, as something may have changed and I have not needed to update the base config in some time.

Good luck!


Thanks! I’m not familiar with k3s, or runc, or nvidia-container-runtime… may I ask again, why do you have to to link nvidia_x11 directly? Is it not an option to just take the userspace drivers from /run/opengl-driver/lib?

I’m sorry but I don’t think I understand the question. We’re patching (or rather unpatching the patchelf step) nvidia_x11 pkg so that the drivers work in the FHS containers in k3s which won’t have the /nix/store in them. The drivers need to be discovered twice via ldconfig - once by the nvidia container runtime on the host for mounting into the container, and once by the container itself. How would the userspace drivers inherit that property?

I can decompose the question into smaller ones:

  1. How do you decide, at build time, which nvidia_x11 to take? Because the container must mount the userspace drivers (including and compatible (=precisely the same, or at least newer) with the kernel module used by the host machine at runtime

  2. … which won’t have the /nix/store in them

    But the drivers are still mounted impurely from the host, why not mount the /nix/store/xxxx...-nvidia_x11&c paths as well

  3. The drivers need to be discovered twice via ldconfig

    This happens for some packages. If possible, the desirable way to approach this is to remove/make optional all of the references to, and replace the “path inference” results with the predictable values. For a container running on a NixOS host, this path would be /run/opengl-driver/lib, plus targets of the symlinks therein. The drivers deployed there by NixOS in that location are known to be compatible with the kernel used at runtime

I’m asking because I think we should want to integrate the solution into nixpkgs. Thanks!

Ok! We’re bumping up against the edge of my knowledge here, but if I understand correctly:

  1. How do you decide, at build time, which nvidia_x11 to take?

    I assume you’re talking about this line here:

     unpatched-nvidia-driver = (super.pkgs.linuxKernel.packages.linux_5_15.nvidia_x11_production.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
    builder = ../overlays/;

    And indeed I chose that through trial and error. Which package is the standard one to install that will be guaranteed to be compatible with the kernel?

  2. But the drivers are still mounted impurely from the host

    This is done by the nvidia-container-runtime. Where is chooses to mount the drivers in the container – regardless of how it finds them – is a bit deeper in the codebase than I looked. The discovery mechanism is via ldconfig, but currently we are pointing it at the drivers in /nix/store/xxx...-nvidia-x11 on the host here. Are you asking why /nix/store/xxx-nvidia-x11 is not mounted directly (at the same path) in the container?

  3. the desirable way to approach this is to remove/make optional all of the references to , and replace the “path inference” results with the predictable values

    I believe this would require a different patch of libnvidia-container so that it searches /run/opengl-driver/lib instead of relying on ldconfig while on the host. I’m not sure how deep that would go, but it may be possible. The search for is hardcoded into the library here, a path altered by this patch and in common.h by this patch. I think this would fundamentally change libnvidia-container’s discovery mechanism. The difficulty there is that this code seems to run once on the host and once in the container, so getting it to use different discovery mechanisms depending on the context would take more considerable understanding of the library, esp. since containers will not adhere to the NixOS paths. Alternatively, getting libnvidia-container to mount the NixOS paths, then update the container’s own to reference those paths is a different challenge. For example, I’m not sure if the following search paths provided by in the nvidia-device-plugin container are baked into the container, or altered by libnvidia-container at runtime.

    $ kubectl exec -n kube-system -it nvidia-device-plugin-pz56s -- /bin/sh
    $ cat /etc/
    include /etc/*.conf
    $ cat /etc/*.conf
    # libc default configuration
    # Multiarch support

Would love to see a pure integration in nixpkgs! My feeling is that some deeper C skills than I possess would be necessary here.

rusty-jules has pretty much said everything but I’ll add what I can remember. I’ve since abandoned my NVIDIA integration in k3s since there were a host of other issues.

libnvidia-container has a list of files it looks for

Which then finds the library paths using the ldcache

Ideally, we’d be using the NVIDIA/CUDA driver pod from NVIDIA, but my attempts have failed due to layout of NixOS (don’t quite remember errors, but I’d imagine the classic problems with trying to use imperative programs).

If you were to try to make it NixOS-friendly, a better alternative it write it from scratch. In comparison in making due with the ldcache approach, it is a lot more prone to needing active maintenance from upstream changes.

fwiw using the cdi integration with containerd seems much better. I have a working setup, though I’m still using the nvidia ldcache shenanigans to generate the cdi spec via nvidia-ctk cdi generate, but this is patchable and/or writable from scratch. For what it’s worth it seems to work more or less out of the box, though I had to manually patch the output (with jq) to mount /run/opengl-driver into the sandbox to get a well-known LD_LIBRARY_PATH to work with, but the autogenerated spec (essentially nvidia-ctk cdi generate used on an ldconfig dump of /run/opengl-driver) actually managed to at least resolve every symlink into the store along with the relevant devices on its own.

We definitely need to reach out with the upstream and discuss a way for them to (1) stop relying on the obscure glibc internals such as /etc/, and (2) stop assuming that mounting the host system’s drivers is the right thing to do (generally speaking, it’s not, because the container image might come with a different libc).

The first step would be to introduce the static configuration option allowing the user to explicitly list the paths to the drivers, at build time or in a config file read at runtime. In principle, the /etc/ already is that, except writing one affects more than just the ctk.

I’m planning to open an issue/PR eventually but it’ll probably take me ages, and I’ll be really happy if somebody goes ahead before then

I’ll also add that this doesn’t only affect k3s, but also for example apptainer/singularity which are important for the HPC stuff

Hi! Trying to update libnvidia-container and nvidia-container-toolkit in apptainer: unbreak --nv by SomeoneSerge · Pull Request #279235 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub, but I’m mostly motivated by apptainer’s needs. Could somebody test these changes with containerd?

EDIT: nvidia-container-toolkit: 1.9.0 -> 1.15.0-rc.3 by aaronmondal · Pull Request #278969 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub has been merged

Hi! Now that nvidia-container-toolkit is available on nixpkgs-unstable, does it mean that we can just make it available in environment.systemPackages and it’s just Going To Work™️?

I’ll probably be testing it soon but I thought I’d ask if someone’s tried it already?

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