Vscode can't be launched after installation

I hope so. So I add something like this:

users.users.dong = {
isSystemUser = true;
#    isNormalUser = false;
    extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" ]; # Enable ‘sudo’ for the user.
security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
        security.sudo.configFile = ''
                        dong ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
users.users.dong.group = "dong";
       users.groups.dong = {};

But still, when restart after nixos-rebuild switch && reboot, I am stopped by the login UI, if input nothing and press ENTER directly, it would tell me I have the wrong password number.
I’ve also tried to use isNormalUser = true;, but nothing changed.

(Actually, I’ve tried to install NIXOS without setting root password by nixos-install --no-root-passwd, then I can’t login anylonger, so I have to reinstall system with a root password.)
