Vscode Extension wants to install itself into a read-only path


This is my first time posting on any forum/discussion page so please tell me if I am doing something wrong or inefficent.

The Problem

I recently installed NixOS and until now everything I tried worked after some time of trying. But this time I actually need help with my vscodium, to be specific with an extension. I installed it reproducible via my flake here is the snipped:

# ...

 home-manager.users.${settings.userName} = {
    programs.vscode = {
      enable = true;
      package = pkgs.vscodium;  # Use VSCodium as the VSCode package
      extensions = with extensions.vscode-marketplace; [
        brandonkirbyson.vscode-animations # <- the extension not working correctly

# ...

After I start vscode, it shows a popup in the bottom right asking for the install method, either “CSS and Javascript” or “Apc customize UI++”. If I try to go with the CSS and JS Methode just nothing happens. After looking into the settings, I found an option called enable animation but even after adding it to my configuration and rebuilding, nothing changed.

After that I also tried the other installation method, this time after playing around a little bit I got it to say “install now” but after pressing that nothing happened again.

My `vscode.nix`
{ config, pkgs, settings, lib, extensions, ...}:

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

  programs.direnv.enable = true;
  home-manager.users.${settings.userName} = {
    programs.vscode = {
      enable = true;
      package = pkgs.vscodium;  # Use VSCodium as the VSCode package
      extensions = with extensions.vscode-marketplace; [
      userSettings = {
        # Editor Settigns
          "editor.cursorBlinking"= "phase";
          "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation"= "on";
          "editor.fontFamily"= "'Hack Nerd Font'";
          "editor.smoothScrolling"= "true";
          "terminal.integrated.fontFamily"= "'Hack Nerd Font'";
          "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling"= "true";
          "window.titleBarStyle"= "custom";
          "window.menuBarVisibility"= "compact";
          "workbench.sideBar.location" = "right";
          "editor.renderControlCharacters" = false;
          "workbench.editor.showTabs" = "none";
          "editor.stickyScroll.enabled" = false;
          "editor.lineNumbers"= "relative";

        # Scrollbar Settings
        "editor.scrollbar.horizontal" = "hidden";
        "editor.scrollbar.vertical" = "hidden";
        "editor.minimap.enabled" = false;

        # Theme
          "workbench.list.smoothScrolling"= "true";
          "workbench.colorCustomizations" = {
            "[Stylix]" = {
              "sideBar.background"= lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "activityBar.background"= lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "tab.inactiveBackground"= lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground"= lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "tree.indentGuidesStroke" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "statusBar.background" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "editorTitle.background" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "statusBarItem.remoteBackground" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "dropdown.listBackground" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "titleBar.inactiveBackground" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "breadcrumb.background" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
              "sideBarSectionHeader.background" = lib.mkForce "#${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00}";
        # Vim Keybinds Plugin
        "vim.useCtrlKeys"= false;

        # Animations
        "animations.Enabled"= true;
        "animations.Install-Method"= "Apc Customize UI++";
    stylix.targets.vscode.enable = true;

The Question

plz help fix :frowning:

no just kidding, if you have an idea how to help me find out more what is going wrong, feel free to tell me. If not, are there alternatives to vscode for editing my code? I tried the same thing a few days ago and when I tried then I got some errors that nix/store is a readonly path, but I don’t get any errors more this time and that is really werid. This is not really important since it only adds some silly animations but I still want to know why this is not working.

Thanks for reading, and even if you can’t help with the topic maybe you can help with my english so please point out how to write better questions.