Wallpaper Engine on NixOS (wallpaper-engine-kde-plugin)

Necrobumping to ask if you got it to work. I’ve also been trying to write a derivation for this plugin, but with no success.

No, I wasn’t able to get it working.
I haven’t tried newer versions as I moved distro…

how is it different from linux-wallpaperengine: init at 2022-08-22 by rapenne-s · Pull Request #188136 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub ?

linux-wallpaperengine doesn’t work on Plasma, GNOME and other DEs.
wallpaper-engine-kde-plugin is integrated and made to work for KDE Plasma

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What is your current state? Is it working?

No, sorry. I switched distributions

That’s sad. Than I will try it on my own.

So I try to get it running, but I always get following error and don’t know how to fix it:

CMake Error at src/backend_scene/third_party/glslang/CMakeLists.txt:281 (message):
  ENABLE_OPT set but SPIR-V tools not found.  Please run
  update_glslang_sources.py, set the ALLOW_EXTERNAL_SPIRV_TOOLS option to use
  a local install of SPIRV-Tools, or set ENABLE_OPT=0.

Any ideas how to fix that?

Hi. I was recently looking for ways to make this plugin work.
There seem to be a a few pioneers running this plugin on Nix.

This is my nix file and plugin works fine.

Thank you so much! I was already despairing. It’s working now.

I have to correct myself. I was a bit hasty. It compiles, but when I want to select Engigne as desktop background wallpaper, there is no such option. What else did you do differently?

Oh. My nix file looks not perfect yet.
I have noticed some points after commenting

  • It installs only lib, so you need to install plugin manually.(Originally, the plugin should also be installed)
  • Some wallpaper that worked on ArchLinux does not work on my Nix environment.

Despite the problems, I am somewhat satisfied with current situation. If you find a solution, I world be glad to know.

As mentioned above, it is possible to install the wallpaper plugin if you turn DUSE_PLASMAPKG OFF, but then the following error appear:

Python helper run failed:
python3: can’t open file ‘/home/spp/no_pyext_file_found’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

What I also found out is that in the “About-Tab” of the wallpaper engine settings, their are no pythone3-websocket dependencies found.
Since you installed it manually, is the check mark displayed?

As mentioned above, it is possible to install the wallpaper plugin if you turn DUSE_PLASMAPKG OFF, but then the following error appear

I could not reproduce it. I turn DUSE_PLASMAPKG OFF but build works fine and plugin not installed.

What I also found out is that in the “About-Tab” of the wallpaper engine settings, their are no pythone3-websocket dependencies found.
Since you installed it manually, is the check mark displayed?


I have added it here.

Make sure there are no conflicts with python3 installed elsewhere, like this

I copied your config for wallpaper engine one by one and if I set


wallpaper engine gets installed and I do not need to install it manually. But I always get the missing dependencies error mentioned above.

I was able to reproduce your situation after uninstalling plugin that installed manually, and I noticed that the folder com.github.casout.wallpaperEngineKde in ~/.local/share/plasma/wallpapers/ has been deleted.
I checked and nix had installed it on /run/current-system/sw/share/plasma/wallpapers and KDE cannot seem to recognize.

Finally I solved this problem by adding a small script. I would like to know if there is a better way to add the folder in user .local directory.

Thank you so much! It’s working now without any problems.
And I think your solution with the startup script is fine.

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Hey, that’s awesome! You should make a PR to include it in Nixpkgs!

To do that, I need to fix this problem and do everything in mkDerivation, but have not found a good way😇