What are your goals for 19.09?

Mainly improvements that I would like to see for the data science/python community that I will be working on.

  • normalize all python package names (so they are predictable)
  • integrate jupyter kernels/extensions from the withJupyter project
  • I have been writing several parser/ast transformation tools for other projects. I would like to learn how to write a code formatter/source code transformer. I have a python project in the works that would automate git commits along with source code transformations in nix (with the intention of making nixpkgs maintenance easier). To automate tasks such as alphabetize package names, check meta values, and ensure https links etc.

We have a significant bot that automatically updates, tests and files PRs with that. It’s currently the most active “contributor” by commit count, too. Automatic merging has been discussed multiple times, but I personally don’t think that’s worth it. Checking upstream announcement and pushing a button feels sufficiently easy when there’s interest.


Well, we don’t have a uniformly recorded list of the most important reverse dependencies to test, and for some of the leaf applications it would be helpful to have end-to-end installed-tests. So what the update bot does automatically is not the whole story. Checking upstream announcements is also not an atomic action yet, but hopefully this gets better soon.

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I’d like to update some of our old packages that are stuck on old versions. Ideally, the “default” attribute for every package would be the latest stable version of the package. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with having older versions in Nixpkgs as well, but we should always be working towards using the latest software as much as possible. This will be my main goal for 19.09. I have a meta issue tracking this if anyone wants to help out:



Our goal (with Robert) is to:

  • improve tooling for documenting Nix projects (mostly outside of nixpkgs tree)
  • open source a few tools that help with day-to-day team development

At ZuriHac, unless I get nerd sniped, I’ll work with Niklas to get statically linked musl executables support into nixpkgs.


re LE dns challenges: we’re using a module for acme.sh internally, it would be nice to see upstream at some point, maybe you’d like to collaborate on this?

Thanks for the link! When I get around to this I’ll message you about it.

I want systemd 242 in. This is what I’ll mostly be working on the coming month.


Things I’d like to make headway on:

(would be happy to talk about the above on freenode/#nixos-wg-ai)

  • Develop a homogeneous way to enable debugging for built packages (e.g. you can’t wrap R packages in enableDebugging)
  • Managing WINE with nix: GitHub - deliciouslytyped/nix-winnix

Things I’m ambiently thinking about:

  • Integrating configurations managed by external applications with nix (home-manager)
  • Generally standardizing things across nixpkgs
  • UX improvements

There’s WIP on systemd 242: systemd: 239 -> 242 by andir · Pull Request #61321 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub


Another one that’s been discussed, but I haven’t had time to really look at:

  • enable debugging symbols for all haskell packages

mentioned here: ghc: Add `enableDwarf` flag, off by default. by nh2 · Pull Request #52255 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

As already mentioned, I’m working more on updating static-haskell-nix with the intent of moving more or all of it into nixpkgs, and getting Hydra CI it, because otherwise it can quickly break.

I also hope that my PR for a significantly improved gstreamer (a lot more plugins building!) will make it in, and similarly many gstreamer fixes I made for Darwin.


I also have a self-written module using lego; it’s a bit AWS Route53-specific, but the general idea is pretty extensible:


My wishlist would be:

  • be able to join a domain with sssd (and be able to log-in with gdm)
  • secure boot

For sssd, I played with it in the past. I think I was able to log-in with the console but not with gdm. I’m not sure I could pull it off but I might try again.

I’m pretty sure secure boot is beyond my capabilities. I wont even try.

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XFCE 4.14
It will be released in August 2019, so we can start migrate to beta in nixos-unstable


Another one I just thought of, but don’t have time myself.

  • Build a graphical installer for NixOS using the Calamares framework

If anyone would be interested in working on this, I think it would be greatly appreciated by new NixOS users!


I also hope that my PR for a significantly improved gstreamer (a lot more plugins building!) will make it in

Happy to report that this one was merged.

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The official documentation is very limited. To be honest, it’s disappointing! It is quite difficult for new users to feel comfortable.


I really think that we can extend the acme service to have enough options to support many acme clients out there such as lego or certbot itself. We have some kind of “interface” already for the http challenge (i.e. where other services expect certs to be available on disk or the preDelay script…), we “just” need to make sure we have an interface for the DNS challenge too

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I’ve been fixing some bugs in the acme client the past month, which should be merged soon.

Working with it, the interface so far is pretty tightly coupled to both simp_le and nginx I think it would be better to just start a new module with the idea of multiple challenges baked in from the get-go. I would not try to make it acme-client agnostic though; that seems to add needless complexity. we keep the old acme module and create a new lego module that supports multiple challenges and what not. Changing the old acme module to support multiple challenges and acme clients, whilst remaining backwards compatibility seems too much of a hassle to me.

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