What is happening with the community?

This is a pretty bad faith interpretation of what I said. I didn’t say any assembly member couldn’t speak with people suspended, I’m saying letting it affect their work and in extension the assembly is from what I understood a ban is attempting to prevent. Like Jon Ringer shouldn’t have a say in anything tangible in the assembly process let alone “welcoming” his feedback.


I’m aware of the argument yes. Still though, if he is saying that is what is happening here, then he is definitely at least indirectly calling someone in this community a Nazi. Does anyone have courage enough to stand by their convictions and actually umambiguously point out who the Nazis are then? Or are we just gonna remain in this perpetually vague fear of the “shadow nazis” and slowly self destruct?

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We closed the original topic not with the intention to shift the same topic here :slight_smile:
So I’m closing this down for now. please don’t open new topics about that topic