What would a nixpkgs mirror look like?

I think p2p protocols can probably help with the replication of repo’s and packages. The IPFS changes made in nix are interesting. I’m messing around with the hypercore protocols to the same effect.

So take a look around this, but competing alternative solutions are always welcome, even if it’s for your own systems.

As the internet collapses from a federated system, into a single ‘github.com/facebook.com/google.com/apple.com/microsoft.com/amazon.com’ eco system , its important that free independent mirrors exists, and build from source operating systems like nix/OS exist. What better way for the users of a ‘thing’ to securely donate their resources (time/cpu/disk/bandwidth) to help other users use the ‘thing’.

Same goes for the docker hub and ‘app’ stores, that are centralised points for software distribution, which on paper look good, but in practise are Technically and politically ‘disturbing’