What's the intended use for flakes in system configuration?

Not a needless overhead, pinning is important.

Without pinning, your versions are not defined in your repository, if you lose your computer tomorrow, and reinstall your config in another machine, and have different behaviors (software versions). If you have more than one machine, the same issue.

Flakes is the official pinning method after channels and defining hashes in your code, it is experimental, but half community are using :person_shrugging:.

I think (subjective opinion) that flake is the easier way to do pinning.

Is not a requirement, but I use the flake “contract” (sometimes called schema) with modules

    nixosModules.I.imports =  [ ./hugosenari/default.nix ];
    nixosModules.os.imports = [ ./cfg.nix ./cache ./networking.nix ];
    nixosModules.BO.imports = [ self.nixosModules.os self.nixosModules.I ./bo ];
    nixosModules.HP.imports = [ self.nixosModules.os self.nixosModules.I ./hp ];
    nixosModules.T1.imports = [ self.nixosModules.os self.nixosModules.I ./t1 ];

    nixosConfigurations.BO  = mylib.os self.nixosModules.BO;
    nixosConfigurations.HP  = mylib.os self.nixosModules.HP;
    nixosConfigurations.T1  = mylib.os self.nixosModules.T1;

I could create a BO.nix module and use imports there :slight_smile:

Not just but yes.

Nix Modules is a framework for templating information with merge and type validation, is a “contract framework”, “Nix Schema” (like json schema).
I like to think it has 3 parts:

  1. options: contract definition, defines what kind of information we need (like someone creating the form).
  2. config: information definition (like someone filling the form). You and I, setting our OS config.
  3. config¹: use the information (single blob of evaluation) to create a config file or package. Again, is the community, but can be anyone.

¹ Is easy to make a confusion within 2 and 3 because they have same name, 2 is you defining information, 3 is someone using the single blob of evaluation (usaully to set 2).

example (source):

{ pkgs, lib, config, ...}:
             # ^- 3 the blob
  # 1 starts --------------------------------------------
  options.nixos-boot = {
    enable = lib.mkOption {
      default = false;
      type    = lib.type.bool;
    theme  = lib.mkOption {
      default = "default";
      type    = lib.types.enum [ "load_unload" "default" ];
    bgColor.red = lib.mkOption {
      default = 255;
      type    = lib.types.ints.between 0 255;
    # ...
  # 1 ends -----------------------------------------------

  # 2 starts ---------------------------------------------
  config.boot.plymouth = lib.mkIf config.nixos-boot.enable {
                                # ^----- 3 the blob -----^
    themePackages = [ pkgs.nixos-boot ];
    enable = true;
    theme  = config.nixos-boot.theme;
           # ^---- 3  the blob ----^
  # ...
  # 2 ends -----------------------------------------------

With that our user (maybe we or another module creator) can set nixos-boot.enable, nixos-boot.theme and nixos-boot.bgColor.red, because of 1. And since we are referencing it (3) to set 2, it will enable plymouth for us, set its theme. But could be used to create a file or a package.

NixOS is just a giant evaluation of Nix Modules at end, so with or without flakes, yes.

There are other cool features for packages in flakes, like run, build and shell, templates.
Example: GeNix7000: Nix Project Logo Generator - #17 by hugosenari