2022/01/05 - Marketing Meeting Minutes

We have resolved to start publishing meeting notes anew. Initially @garbas made those, all the time, but it’s a bit of work. So we have resolved to cycle through members taking minutes and publishing them. A fair random draw made me the first to start back publishing meeting minutes.

Talking points

  • Meeting notes (@garbas)
  • Proposal about “video” demo format (@ysndr)
  • Unplanned discussion about documentation (all)
  • Download page rework (@garbas)
  • Common style work (@samueldr)

Meeting notes

(See introductory paragraph.)

The order will be randomized, making sure not to have repeats.

Proposal about “video” demo format

Should we produce the release videos in a format that is per-feature and makes single-purpose videos, like VS Code can do that?! does.

No conclusive yes/no, but basically we already have the tools to do so; the front-page shows how this already is possible. So we can start doing this for feature presentations if desired.

Unplanned discussion about documentation

Interspersed with the previous discussion, we had a discussion about how we need to have a coherent vision about the documentation. Proposed into this is making sure a sort of documentation taskforce is in the loop, and communicates with the marketing peeps.

This is because the people involved will be different and may not have interest in being part of the marketing team discussions. This goes both ways, the marketing team discussions shouldn’t dwell on minutia about implementing the goals.

Download page rework

More of a showcase than a discussion, see:

Common style work

More of a check-up from the last meeting. A set of requirements has been given, and we were checking up things are okay to continue through with development. After the meeting a few minutes were spent talking implementation details.