Attendees: @edolstra @tomberek @thufschmitt @fricklerhandwerk @roberth @Ericson2314
Planning discussion
@fricklerhandwerk invited Elton Vecchietti from Modus Create to pitch his workshop at the Nix hackathon in Zürich on 2022-11-26
- will meet next Monday with @fricklerhandwerk, @edolstra, and whoever else is interested
@fricklerhandwerk: Schedule a second meeting per week to have one for work and one for discussion (as @tomberek proposed)
@tomberek: discussion meetings should produce an ordered list of tasks to work on in the work meeting without the need for further discussion
- it was effective for cleaning up little things
- not necessarily good to deal with massive changes
- it was effective for cleaning up little things
- what should we focus on for the work meetings? small uncontroversial things?
- @tomberek: at least in the beginning, yes
- when do we schedule the second meeting?
@tomberek: discussion meetings should produce an ordered list of tasks to work on in the work meeting without the need for further discussion
@fricklerhandwerk define a process for deciding on an agenda
- proposal:
- have a file in the Nix repo
- make a PR each week
- add comments with suggestions for new items
- who takes care of opening and closing the PR?
- @tomberek: like the PR workflow
@edolstra: would like to have as little process as possible
- why not add items to this document?
- no way to comment
- PR workflow looks good though
@fricklerhandwerk: have to determine who does the chores
- should be the team lead
- @edolstra: yes, will open a PR every week
- @fricklerhandwerk: will continue publishing the meeting notes
@fricklerhandwerk: have to determine who does the chores
- why not add items to this document?
- proposal:
@fricklerhandwerk: fefine a process how we pick PRs for discussion
- proposal:
- every meeting spend 10-15 min to get an impression of the big picture first
- next release milestone
- skim oldest PRs
- sort by
- filter by topics we may care about
- maintainers can add PRs they want to discuss to the project board directly
- pick one obvious candidate from each of the above categories every week
- in the mid-term establish some triaging process, e.g.:
- team members commit 1h every week
- label issues and PRs
- ping authors of stale PRs
- …
- every meeting spend 10-15 min to get an impression of the big picture first
- @tomberek: will set up a team handbook in Nix repo including the two meetings and some process
- proposal:
Pull Request Review
Remove repeat option by lheckemann · Pull Request #7099 · NixOS/nix · GitHub
- assigned for merging
- Auto-assign reviewers by file by Mic92 · Pull Request #7229 · NixOS/nix · GitHub
antiquotation -> string interpolation by fricklerhandwerk · Pull Request #7278 · NixOS/nix · GitHub
- in-review, assigned for merging
add removing users to uninstall instructions by fricklerhandwerk · Pull Request #7279 · NixOS/nix · GitHub
- merged
add CODEOWNERS by fricklerhandwerk · Pull Request #7277 · NixOS/nix · GitHub
- on hold, @edolstra will first try to get Auto-assign reviewers by file by Mic92 · Pull Request #7229 · NixOS/nix · GitHub to work
__allowNetwork when sandbox==relaxed by jcumming · Pull Request #7109 · NixOS/nix · GitHub
- this may be a use case for impure derivations